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 Post subject: Bloodlines
 Post Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:16 am 
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Posts: 1772
she stood barefoot on the famished earth. the cracks ran deep into mother. she cried for rain. nothing.

the sun punished the earth unceasingly. he could smell the very heat emminating from the parched land.

the dark whispers danced on the strong winds scarring the wastelands. coiling, they found her alone. she opened her eyes. a vast engulfing emptiness seemed to lull him into a rythimic stupor.

he pulled back and away, the painful tinge of memory flooded his mind.

her dry lips parted. a sighed question flowed forth.


the clouds began to give way, the pale yellow sky churned into a violent gray sea of angry storms. falling to hands and knees, the weight of the world began to press hard. the sound of cracking and whinning joints and sinew was deafening.

squinting angry tear stained eyes he could make out the four figures. they spoke to each other is riddles. all calling the other 'sister'.

the black obelisk was birthed from mother. they called to it. sang and praised it's harbringers return with defiant hope. there glowed the last glyph he had seen in previous visions. defiant and bright white it shone. like a beacon. demanding to be heard it called out to the four corners of the world beyond. it called to the heroes of myth and lore. to those champions of the light. it called.

she turned and faced the pitiful man who lay at the foot of the black statue.

the name brought him back to life, the one she spoke.

he could only moan in desperate shame.

she smiled. her eyes a dark everest green. peace.

she whispered once more.


sutra startled from the all too real dream sat up in his rickety straw bed, the itch from the straw and bed bugs went unnoticed. channels of dirty sweat rolled down his chest and back.

i want it to end he angrily repeated and slowly gave into slumber again.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Bloodlines
 Post Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:24 am 
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Posts: 1772
Sutra stood among the fresh corpses. The macabre song of carrion birds could be heard for miles around. The carnage was vast; a sea of bodies covered by shade and sun littered the forest's floor. The slaughter had past.

He could taste blood on the air. Its acidic tinge assaulted his nostrils. Not even his sweat-stained mask could give him a break from the stench of unsettling decay. The air was still charged with ancient majicks he could not discern. It was not his gift to feel or identify majicks, only know their effect. Something did not feel right in this place.

Stepping through the heaps of bodies, he could see the funeral pyre some meters away. The black billowing column of black smoke greeted angrily by the deep blue sky above. The storm clouds had past.

Closing his eyes he imagined the onslaught. He could feel the presence of a high being, an angel perhaps. Its sword sang proudly with dark blood. Sutra squinted at the thought of an angel, wings dipped in blood, calling for justice. The dark cult moved too slowly, though they had summoned the obelisk to aid their master back into this plane, they simply approached with too much caution.

Opening his eyes, Sutra kneeled at the shattered fragments of black obsidian. The obelisk had been destroyed. He had heard rumors among the soldiers of terrible nightmares, of a demon, red as dried blood and great wings of leather. They detailed its silver fangs and glowing horns protruding from its powerful face. Many of the untrained men were indeed fearful of the fight to come. Standing, he observed evidence that the Northern armies had indeed secured both the obelisk and the moat's bridge almost instantly. He could almost hear the great voice of Sir Forest echoing through the woods as he fearlessly led the main force.

Sutra spun in his left heel, the sound of sharpened blade swinging through the air was immediately replaced by the sharp clang of metal on metal. She stood unmoving. Her spear shook for a moment as it emitted a vibrating song. Her eyes glowed like suns embedded in her head. Sanguine lips curled into a grimace. The black robe flitted in the new breeze.

He had not been able to sleep well or feel true solitude for almost two seasons now. It was to end now.

'Sutra, what you see and feel, is indeed right. Will you not agree?'
Sutra steeped forward defiantly, an angry fist clutching the hilt of his drawn weapon. He wanted to speak, but his words seemed to fail him now, he had waited to see just one, one like his mother. Here she stood.

'The mall'abus has been forever banished to the abyss. You must understand that it was meant to be as it is. We required his rebirth, so that he would be destroyed for eternity. We summoned his portal and the armies of men fulfilled the prophecy. Sutra, even the demon prince who had been promised to the cult was fighting the dark son's will with his black heart. The cult was fated to lose. We even know that the kingdom's general was able to thwart the temples protective glyphs and was able to send three Paladins to storm the cult's stronghold. It was that breaking of the pact that ensured the kingdoms victory against the cult.'

Sutra could feel his knees buckle, her voice, he realized was lulling him to sleep. The ground met his left knee unkindly. He almost stumbled on the head of a fallen soldier. No, no more submitting to their songs and majicks.

She smiled fully aware her power had not waned though she had been tainted by the dark mark, in order to infiltrate the cults highest ranks.

'Brother, it was fated that you aid us in the orchestrating in the destruction of the very force that drove our brethren to the brink of obscurity. You have earned your right brother and now we have come for you.'

Anger flooded his mind; he felt his spirit reach out for her throat. It was not a dream this time. He would exact his vengeance for every moment of misery and shame the fair ones had caused him. His defiance shook her to her very core. He wearily pressed his weight on her, her back laid uncomfortably upon a broken shield. It was the blade that was slid under her chin that reminded her of the feeling of dread.

She smiled coyly attempting to regain her composure. She calmly spoke to him one last time.

'Sutra, do what you will. Spill this blood if you so see fit. If it is the will of our be it.'


Sutra slept.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Bloodlines
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:33 am 
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Posts: 1772
He traveled north. He lay motionless, yet his spirit rushed towards the cardinal direction. He stood at the crossroads wanting to visit with a familiar soul in the Barony of the Eagle yet something warned him not to. A feeling told him not to travel the path of talons. His conscious efforts caused some sort of delay but he somehow managed. He circumvented the well-worn path and found a smaller, almost overgrown trail. He knew he was not alone. Malice and filth appeared to be tracing his very flight.

It seemed like hours, the land opened up to greet him. He could see the horizon meld into the sky leagues away. It was breathtaking. The clouds rushed forward granting him shade to rest in. His travels took him to the northwest now. He had arrived. Yet he felt ethereal. No body, only mind.

Suddenly the alarm rang. A fevered pitch and madness gripped the good-sized outpost. He could make out the form of a giant man. Red in hair and demeanor, he howled out orders that were eagerly followed by young faces. They were caught off guard he thought. He remembered. Baron Chaos had led the enchanted youth to their deaths the previous moon's phase. It was there that the cult had suffered a catastrophic defeat. But it was not to be their undoing it seemed. Rumor had it that he managed to retreat to the north. Further than the Shire of Eagles. The hidden enclave offered perfect staging grounds for an assault to the south.

Sutra stood motionless as he could witness the young men and women prepare for war again. Some still had bandaged arms and legs, bloodied from the previous battle at the Tangled Woods. He had seen the carnage there. He would see it happen again. Without thought, as he stood opposite the small contingent, he felt his arms raise, pulling on a resistant bowstring. He let loose an arrow as it struck a courageous looking warrior yielding a pole arm. It hit him square in the chest. Sutra could feel the smirk turn into a grimace as the man pulled his destroyed chest plate from his body. A shriek of disdain escaped his parched lips. It was then that he realized his flesh had turned a repulsive shade of green. He could taste blood on his lips. He was a goblin, but not.

Leaping down from the protection of a tree, other malcontent creatures emerged from the tree line. The foulest of all were the giant rats. Sutra almost passed out, the stench foulest seemed to precede them. He detested these creatures most of all. But it seemed their cause was of the same ilk. The decimation of the humanoid forces.

The rending and tearing of tender flesh made his stomach churn. It was the bite that hurt the most. He had fallen to a traitorous were rat who had snuck up behind him ripping into his shoulder. A shriek escaped his mouth, but was soon stilled by violent tremors. The sound of snapping sinew and relocating muscles were indeed violent. His screams turned to shrill squeaks. Soon the field was littered with flesh and blood. The horde of bloodthirsty rats began to turn on them seeing that there was no visible or common threat. The biggest rat squealed and rushed south.

It seemed the largest one had some intellect that was beyond simple comprehension. It's black furred legion soon followed. Sutra could feel himself hover over the river of slick haired pestilence gradually files out of the small town. The survivors slowly emerged and began seeking out fallen friends and family. Sutra recognized a few here and there. His heart and sympathy reached out but found no hospice. It was more than he could handle.

He followed the trail of rat feet, ears, tails and tufts of bloodied matted fur. Though they moved as one, they still required sating their blood lust. He noticed the cemetery they passed, it was there the trail of blood was thick and heavy on the path southward.

The rat army was on the move south.


Sutra stirred from his slumber, shifting slightly in his bed. His head throbbed and his vision was blurred. A gentle voice coaxed him to be still.

He drifted off again. Sleep.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Bloodlines
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:48 pm 
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Posts: 1772
I was slowly lulled back to consciousness. I could feel myself floating again. This time it was pretty real though. At least I think so. I can hear the muted sounds above me. I realized I was in the water. Never really a lover of open water. The dark tide always scared me as a child. My uncle had drowned when I was 8. I watched him slip beneath the glassy surface. Doesn't make for good dreams.

The water lapped at my tattered clothing. My hands lay laxly at my sides. I can feel my skin tingle under the sun. The current was calm and refreshing. I felt my whole self-move down the river.

Laughter, I could hear them shouting with reckless abandon.

I tried to turn unto my belly but only grew weary of my weak strokes. Water found it's way into my mouth and eyes, matted hair grew a chore to wipe away. It was easier to just let it take me. I turned on my back again and let myself float. The blue sky was painted with big white clouds. I sighed.

I knew I was close. I could hear her heartbeat beckon to me. I closed my eyes and turned again, in the water. The rocky submerged shelf sustained me for a while. The split in the water was different. I realized the current began to pull me down. It was trying to pull me underwater. I begin to panic.

Her hand reached out and touched my shoulder. I looked up and recognized her. She pulled me up unto the solid rock platform still covered by water. She smiled as she seemingly perched on the water itself. My head lay upon her right leg. My gaze focused from the passing hawks above, to the tree canopies, to her brilliant blue eyes.

She smiled.

' okay?...'
I replied with a passive smile and nodded.
' will you come back?...' her eyes seemed patiently inquisitive.
'how' I wearily replied. I could smell the flowers in her hair.

She lifted her gaze and smiled, looking past the playing mothers and children. Past the strong fathers and sons sitting waist deep in the invigorating water. She seemed to breath with the land.

The land breathed with her.

'I will come back...won't I?' I sheepishly stated.

She said nothing.

My eyes traced her soft lips, up to the canopy above her golden brown hair, to the clouds in the sky.


Sutra opened his eyes as he lay on the ground in a stall. He recognized the horse that stood patiently eating grain. The flicking of his tail produced a breeze keeping the flies off. Sutra slowly sat up from the itchy hay. Rubbing his eyes, he cleared his coarse and dry throat.

He stood regaining composure. Just then, the stable hand startled from the opposite side of the barn.

'Master Sutra! You've missed breakfast. Your mothers been worried sick. Told me to tell you to help with fixing some posts. Your father's been at it all morning by himself. Doesn't look so happy if you ask me. Oh Master Sutra...'

Sutra managed to wave a hand at the familiar face and smiled.

'I know...I know.'

The unsettling headache seemed to drown out the very question he realized he'd been asking himself since he awoke.

"How the hell did I get back home?"


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Bloodlines
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 2:34 pm 
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Posts: 1772
The screams echoed.

It was the last time he saw her, before she gave it back to the land. Her wrist cried in pain. She laughed. She parted her lips in happiness for him. He shivered as he held the flesh. Her glazed eyes morbidly peaceful now.

She had decided to give back to the land. She had taken more than her fair share she always said.

Her bloodstained chemise weighed thick with regret.

She died that winter.


The children would run out to greet the dark figure. It was always a treat to see the forest man return, one of two yearly visits he would make. He was late this time. It was the 26th cycle.

The village had grown to know the peaceful forest beings. Their eldest ancestor had truced with them. They offered help in teaching them the ways of tilling the land. Of living in harmony with her. They did this to stop the barbaric practice of razing the earth.

They practiced it on their lands, enemies, lives, even their faith.

He came with a slow stride. He seemed different; his emerald eyes seemed somewhat dulled. His green leafy hide withered, almost tainted with a hint of a sanguine hue.

It scared them. The children stood off and waited. He lumbered to a stop. The creaking of his bark quieted to a whisper. He spoke.

'I...I am sorry...'

Slouching over, his shoulders dropped as his breath escaped his chaffed lips. His feet seemed to plant themselves unmoving. He began to take root.

'so very sorry...'

He never moved again. Not even when the children weep.


He ran. Deeper into the forest. He could hear their footsteps stomping through the rain puddles. His bow griped tight in his right hand. His mind raced thinking how he would switch to his blade. Now!

Leaping a few feet forward, he managed to turn in mid air twisting before planting his feet into the moist forest floor. He could see their glowing eyes in the dark moonless night. His left hand gripped for the missing sword.

His brow furrowed as the memory of having left his blade back at the invaded campsite flashed in his excited mind.

He drew a deep breath, almost as deep as his bowstring with the knocked arrow. It sang sweetly, a beautiful song emanating from him. It found its mark. The screams are always reassuring, he thought.

The others only hastened their race towards him. He smirked and turned only to disappear into the dark forest.

Sutra realized his trek north to Eagleshire was never going to be easy.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Bloodlines
 Post Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:05 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

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