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 Post Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:18 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
The hot sun beat down on the struggling workers, digging a well was hard backbreaking work. Every man in the operation was either a debtor or criminal. The guards around them had earned their pay, between getting this crew to work, and literally smoking in thier armor.

"Lord Kenta",the senior guard reported in, "one man has been wounded, a shovel took off half of his toes"
"Take him to Virgil, I believe he is the healer on duty today"
"yes Sir"
"and have the rest take a water break, don't want any of them passing out"

Virgil looked at his patient. "Lets clean it up first" he poured some of the murky water over the man's foot". Once the dirt and grime was cleaned, Virgil looked again "what kind of joke is this, this man's foot is fine"
"No way, I saw his severed toes myself, maybe its the water"
"Only one way to find out" Virgil drug his scapel along the man's leg, and once again poured the water on him, watching closely as the wound healed. "My Gods, you're right.....Report this to Lord Kenta immediately, and get extra guards out to that well to secure it!!!!"

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:56 pm 
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"Healing water..." Kenta said raising an eyebrow in disbelief "you're messing with me aren't you."
"Not at all sir, let me show you..." Virgil said motioning the once injured man forward.
"His toes are healed..." Kenta said watching the man walk forward "It just looks like you were doing your job, has the heat gotten to you too?"
"Just watch." Virgil said ignoring his knight's badmouthing. Virgil then pulled out his dagger and stabbed the poor man in the back.
"Have you gone insane squire!" Kenta spat as he pulled his sword and began to move to strike him down.
"I SAID TO WATCH!" Virgil shouted removing a small jug from his belt pouch. Kenta halted as Virgil began to pour some of the water on the man's wound, and much to kenta's surprise the wound closed up almost instantly leaving no evidence of any wound in the first place. "You might want to go secure that well.."
"By the .... guards forward!" Kenta motioned " Come on Virgil lets go.."
"I would like to question the former injured a bit more, to see if there were any external factors in his healing other than the water. If I may?"
"Make it quick."
"But of course, sir." Virgil said motioning for the man to follow him and off they went in two opposite directions.

Once virgil had the man secluded he began to speak to the unfortunate soul "You have just helped me stumble upon the greatest discovery that mourningwood glen has ever seen...." he said pacing around the man, almost like a tiger stalking its prey "Now with your help I will usher in a new age to mourningwood, nay the world!" At this point the man's sense of danger was tingling, something wasn't right, however all he could do was stand and listen, words wouldn't even come out anymore. "You may be wondering how you, of all people could help me." The man mearly nodded " well I need time to examine this water, privately, however I am needed at near the well as I am sure bandits have already caught wind of what this well does, as such its sure to become a battlefield." Virgil looked right into the man's eyes as he spoke this next part "I can't very well be two places at once now can I?" Virgil closed upon the man. "This is the part were you help me." He said sliting the man's throat "shh don't fight it. Sacrifices are needed to move the world." Then the man faded away.

Once the man was dead Virgil began his work, changing the features of the new corpse into his own with demonic magic, As he had done many times before to get out of work. Once he finished creating his doppleganger he animated "his" corpse and gave it his orders "Go to the well, follow any orders Sir Kenta Redhawk gives to you..." he said placing his hand on his copy using demonic magic to insert some of his abilities and his personality into the corpse " Once Sir Kenta has dismissed you, you are to report back to the lair and tell me any new events."
"Understood, master" the corpse spoke to Virgil "Good, now go!" "Virgil" then dashed towards the well were a battle was surely taking place. The real Virgil however left back to his laboratory.

Sweat dripped down the necromancer's face as he worked, casting verious spells on what little water he had managed to keep. A corpse was fanning his master in a futile attempt to keep him cool. "Fan faster." Virgil barked at the poor corpse, who began franticly swinging the fan up and down. After a while the constant experimentation with the murky water caused it to evaporate. "DAMNATION!" Virgil shouted striking the corpse fanning him in fury. He then moved over to his chair and slumped into it "ugh it's too hot..." he complained to himself as the zombie came to continue fanning him "I just want to hibernate until winter." He sat there for a while complaining about the heat until the corpse who was fanning him's arms fell off. Virgil stared for a moment at the armless corpse, still franticly waving its stumps "damn corpses!" He shouted as he struck down the zombie in anger " damn heat! I wish the sun would just explode!" He slumped back in his chair defeated.

Virgil worried for a moment, the heat has been causing the corpses that he turns to decay at an accelerated rate. What if the doppelganger he sent was fighting and an arm fell off all of a sudden, or worse he transformed back to normal. Virgil heard the sounds of the party returning from the well and waited. After a few hours his doppelganger returned to the lair and explained how he was correct in assuming that bandits would attack and how they had fended them off and saved the well. "Good work.." virgil told himself and then started the incantation to dispell his magic. However about halfway through the body lost animation and returned to its original form. "That was a close one..." Virgil said aloud "Well looks like its time to pay our dear baron a visit." Virgil raised himself from his chair and walked out his heavy ornate door....

"He may be out of his mind But some day you will find
That sanity's left us all blind And dragged us all behind"

"I cannot quench your thirst
Because even if you yearn for the truth, you refuse to believe in it.
I cannot quench your thirst
Because no such truth exists that you are in anticipation for.
But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one the that put you into the desert."
-Frederica Bernkastel

 Post Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 9:55 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:44 pm
Posts: 32
The court was in disarray when Virgil arrived, it looked as if the populace was arguing about what to do with the well water. Some thought that the water should be shared with all, others that the water could be used to cure all sickness, and others still who believed that the water was evil and the well should be filled with dirt and sealed. "The court never changes, does it?" Virgil spoke and everyone grew silent "I need to speak to baron Seal." Virgil continued ignoring the looks of contempt. It seems that his recent practices had been reviled, not that it really mattered. "Speak then." Seal Spoke with authority "I have a proposition for you..." Virgil spoke "But I cannot speak of this subject in front of the populace, without first clearing it with you."
"fine then." seal said grudgingly "To my quarters then." two guards stepped up behind Virgil "Ugh, your going to tie me up." Virgil said not resisting.
"Sorry, but with recent developments you understand that I don't trust you."
"Understood, but I assure you I mean no harm to you or our people." Virgil said vowing in his head to kill the one who leaked his current "hobbies"

"Super soldiers?" Seal asked wondering if he heard Virgil right.
"Correct, I have a theory of how to create the perfect soldier; immortal, Unthinking, and powerful."
"You need access to the well to create these?"
"Yes I require unlimited access to the well to examine the properties of this water."
"Is that all that is needed?"
"I also require corpses, the state of which doesn't matter, actually the worse off the better."
Seal pondered for a good while before he responded with his answer. "I have no problem with your experiments, however I need the approval of the people."
"I understand..." Virgil said hiding his fury at the answer "Do you think you could untie me now?"

The court was once again in disarray, Virgil's proposal had divided the court in two. "Why should we trust this Neck-Waremancer." Kenta lead the Group against the proposal "Calm down Fido." Virgil retorted "If I have access to this well I promise to make Mourningwood the premier military might of the kingdom, Bandits will never bother us again, invasions will fall flat on their faces. We would have completely stoic guards that never need sleep or food." Virgil's words had moved a lot of the court now however there were still some protesting, Virgil sat down watching the protesters eventually come to his side. soon almost all of the court was for the idea, save for Kenta and a few others. "Two weeks..." kenta gave in "You have two weeks, If you make no progress and have just wasted our time, it will be your head."
"Two weeks is all I need." Virgil said stepping "center stage" "Everyone who wants to help move Mourningwood into a new era, step forward!" Little to his surprise he had a line of people willing to give their lives for the good of their people. "Don't move" Virgil said to the people who would be soon giving their lives for his experiments "You will all be regarded as heroes when all is said and done." Virgil pulled out his ceremonial dagger and began to slice their throats one by one. "I will now take my leave to begin my research." Virgil said leaving the area "Oh just send the bodies to the well, that is were I will be setting up my lab." He then vanished into the growing night, he had work to do....

"He may be out of his mind But some day you will find
That sanity's left us all blind And dragged us all behind"

"I cannot quench your thirst
Because even if you yearn for the truth, you refuse to believe in it.
I cannot quench your thirst
Because no such truth exists that you are in anticipation for.
But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one the that put you into the desert."
-Frederica Bernkastel

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