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 Post subject: Hatred of Mages
 Post Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:01 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Lord Gott wrote on: ... essage/236

Gott stood in a defensive stance with his shield covering his torso.
In full armor he faced off with a mage who favored lightning. The
sword of flames flared, proudly defiant, in Gotts' right hand. The
mage stood with his right hand raised and ready to strike with the
furious anger of lightning and thunder. The mage moved his hand
quickly towards Gott and shot out a powerful blast. Gott managed to
dodge it and ran towards the mage. Twenty feet separated them now.
Gott charging and the mage readying another bolt. The second blast
came from the mage and was struck in mid-flight by the sword of
flames. The sword dispersed the spell away from its' owner. Ten feet
now laid between them seeming to grow further and further in the
fog of the night. Gotts' eyes stayed focused, his ears listening
intently, every hair of his body standing on end. The distance
finally closed and another bolt blasted the shield from off Gotts'
arm. A sudden leap into the air brought Gott crashing down on the
suprised mage. An ear-piercing noise filled the air, The grinding of
sword and bone. The mage carried a short sword which was thrust up
to pierce Gotts' left arm. Gotts' blade found the mages' hand, a
wound. The flame of the sword spread from the mages' hand to his arm
and then to the rest of his body. Gott was wounded but the mage was
dead. The mage fell, his sword still lodged in Gotts' arm. A grab, a
tug, a pull, the sword came from his arm with a wince of pain. A man
came from the brush to the side. It was Phantom, and elven healer.
He placed his hand on Gotts' wound and began to chant. "Let the
white light of healing descend on thee, let the white light of
healing stop thy spilling blood, let the white light of healing mend
thy bones, Let the white light of healing close thy wounds, Let the
white light of healing restore thy vigor, The white light of healing
hath healed thou." A radiant light resinated from his arm and he
felt the pain slowly subside. "Thank you Phantom." He said as he
gathered the remains of his shield. "Lets head back now." Gott said
and began to walk back towards the Duchy gates.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Hatred of Mages
 Post Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:02 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Mastery of the Majicks [Sub RP]
Sutra wrote:

The young students sat in the large hall. Their proffesor had never
been this late.

The Equerian Academy was known as one of the most prestigious school
for the young adepts of the majicks.

Childish giggles and gossip filled the air. The thunderous clap
silenced them instantly.

An unfamiliar man strode in.

His long black robes seemed to hoover around him. A thick sense of
curious dreed filled the hall.

"Now then...who can tell me what they know about...relics..." boomed
the deep voice.

The children sat petrified.

The robes were those issued to a teacher in the academy, yet none of
the third year student's had seen him before.

"Nothing? You mean to tell me, that your mothers and fathers are
spending their hard earned gold for you to come here and sit idly by
while the world burns in the flames of chaotic anarchy, all because
our kingdom does not have the much needed majickal resources to stave
off our most guranteed and impending doom?"

"They are old! Sir..." shouted out a trembling voice.

"Ah! So it seems some of you have mastered the art of basic
conversation! Excellent!"

"So they are old...anything else of interest..."

"They were wielded by the one's after the pheonix and before the 3rd
War of the Arafel..."

"Splendid indeed!" replied the amused instructor. His dark eyes
focused on the source of the well founded response.

"You are indeed very correct in your observation, your parent's must
be very proud." The dark figure strode up to the sitting place of the
youth. Her puckered lips sat like a ripe strawberry on her already
pallid face.

"And can you tell me why they were created?" inquired the leaning

"The...they were made by the fates to give man a fighting chance
against creation." hurriedly replied the brightest pupil in the class.


"And...they are granted to those worthy enough to carry the gift's of
the gods...heros and heroines alike have wielded them throughout the

"And why would the god's grant these extensions of themselves to
simian hybrids in the first place?"

The girl sat speechless. She couldn't recant covering that material in
her study books.

"Maybe....just maybe..." leaned the gray eyed man closer, "because
they want clean up the mess they started?"

Her throat burned and the sensation of tears welling up behind her
eyes became instanty unbearable. She was not afraid of him, yet his
eyes spoke of a deep darkness that shook her to the core.

Satisfied, he stood straight and returned to the front of the class,
taking the high chair with an overwhelmingly odd sense of dignity.

"The relics...10 of them in total...are blessed artifacts that have
been handed down from champion to champion since before men understood
the concept...of rain."

"Each relic is an extension of all things eternal. They signify the
first and the last. Only the Phoenix is greather then these items

"Every single one of these artifacts have their very unique
properties. You should all know them, and if you don't; well then I am
sure the pop quiz before the end of class will help rekindle any
misplaced memories."

"Though these items revolve around the concept of forever, they can be

"Sphere of An..." piped up a brave voice.

"I know that...detention for speaking out of turn boy." spouted the
annoyed lecturer.

"Unless specifically blessed by the gods, such as the Shield of
Reflection or is enchanted by a powerful spell of protection, they can
and are destroyed only to be temporarily returned to the stream."

"So what happens if a cast lighting bolt hits...say....the Sword of
Flames..what is the effect?"

"It's destroyed" replied the defiant girl. He reminded her of her
father. His cold gaze and harsh tone took her back to her home life.
And she hated this new stranger.

The teacher stood up and focused on the expressionless face.

"Correct. It is very much so destroyed." She would prove to be a
worthy mage, this he would make sure of.

"Now then...before the end of class, you will have read chapters
fifteen through twentyfour; and you are to turn in a five page summary
on the mechanics of the manipulation of fire through meditative

Today's class was going to be an intense chance of pace for the third
year student's at Equerian.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Hatred of Mages
 Post Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:03 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Anti-mage? by Lord Gott: ... essage/241

Gott stood before an old friend of his that he had met back in his
early days in the EH. The man was a smith, and a powerful mage. "Why
do you hunt mages?" The man asked him. "I hunt those tainted by
darkness. I am no threat to the pure." Gott and the mage stood, eyes
locked for several seconds. "You speak the truth." The mage said. "I
do." Replied Gott. "Very good. Now, Why have you come to me? I sence
a purpose to this visit." Spoke the mage as he sat down by his forge
to work on a dagger. "I need an instrument that will aid me in my
fight against evil." Gott said as he began to sweat from the flames
heat. "You already have the sword of flames." Said the mage. Gott
sat down on a barrel near him. "True, But for how long. Soon the
sword will vanish and the quest for it will begin again." Said
Gott. "You had better fight to get it back then." Said the mage as
he pulled the red hot blade from the coles and examined it. Gott
hanged his head and placed his forehead in his hand. "Is there
nothing you can do to help me?" He asked seeming quite hopeless. The
mage laughed. "Of course I can help you. I'm just giving you a hard
time." the mage said with a chuckle. "I can always transform you
into a monster." Said the mage. Gott blinked a few times as he
thought this over. "There is a monster that is commonly known as the
magebane. No magic can affect it." Said the mage as he recalled
memories of an encounter with one. "Yes. I think that would be the
best thing to do without the sword." Said the mage. "Thank you."
Said Gott as he stood. He bid the mage good-bye and walked out the
door heading in the direction of the keep.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Hatred of Mages
 Post Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:03 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The Library by Sutra

Adia sat pensively at the end of the library table. The long study work surface had been inundated by old manuscripts and the most recent publications on fire manipulation theories.

The new professor had shown up with a wicked wit and a morbid sense of gluttonous misery.

She replayed the scene in her mind. The cold face asked a difficult question, but had she not buried herself in her insatiable passion for learning beyond the measures her peers had; she would have frozen at the trick question.

He had lied, lied to whole class; and he allowed her to believe she was right in her misleading answer. Something about him was foreboding and did not sit well with her.

"He knew my answer was completely wrong and he let me go without taking the quiz?" she inquisitively stated.

Her small group of study mates paused for a moment, sets of envy stricken eyes focused on the small oval face.

She concentrated on the old tattered book on 'Invulnerabilities and the monsters that yield it' in a feeble attempt to stave off their burning gazes.

"The Sword of Flame... it's natural protection from flame would render it safe against a magician's lighting bolt. It says so in the codex of relics!" she sternly assured herself.

"Maybe he was testing you!?"
"I think he's dreamy..."
"You're such a goblin tar..."

"Mind the language children...." stated a hushed whisper.

The embarrassed boy peeked around his tall book on the physics of sword play and it's interaction with the dreaming.

An elderly man, draped in simple robes strode by their table, placing homeless books in empty bookcase slots.

"If you were right Aida, then why not speak up to the teacher?" asked the ancient voice.

She shuffled through all the potential answers she could grasp for. Nothing seemed reasonable enough that would seemingly prove suffice.

"I...I don't know. He just reminded me of my..." she stopped mid phrase before she had a wave of anger almost over take her.

"I think it was a trick!"
"She didn't have to take the dumb quiz now did she!?"
interjected her anxious friends.

"A falcon always studies it's prey, especially the serpent." The old man's fumbled among a stack of books on his rickety cart, producing a simple looking book with no title on it's cover.

He flipped through the blank pages and smiled. "Ah yes, this is the one." His lowered his head and peered over his spectacles and smiled again.

A trembling hand reached out and presented the book to the bright child.

"This one will indeed come in handy someday Adia. I hope you enjoy the read, I know I did. It came in handy, especially when I was your age."

"Was that before the school was built?" teased the bold boy.

The boy's book snapped shut on his thumbs. "Ouchhh!!"

The old man grinned at the boy's reaction, before smiling at Adia. Without hesitation, he nodded and pushed his cart off, disappearing around the corner; into the maze of bookcases.

Adia held the old book in her hands. A slow and hushed heartbeat drummed in her head.

The mid-day bell toll shook her out of her drifting state.

"Race you to the feast hall"
"Only if you don't trip on your own tongue!" proudly declared her classmates, as they hurriedly collect their books; rushing off for lunch.

"Come on Adia! You can't eat a book!"
"She might!"

She scrunched her face in a wordless reply to her teasing friends before collecting her belongings, following after her racing mates.

Tonight, tonight she examine her new find.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

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