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 Post subject: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:21 am 
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Posts: 1772
The festivities continued into the night as drums and dancing filled the hearts of Artus Pass' villagers with elation and temporary relief.

Sutra watched the merriment with a mug in one hand a piece of sweet bread in the other. His eyes focused on the beautiful dancers gracing them this night. The gypsy caravan had found their way through Norreh and Lusynda's Peak's and into the valley where Artus Pass resided.

They brought welcome trinkets, music, and tales. Above all, they brought music and dance.

The crow's cry caught the sheriff's attention. The shade glanced around looking for the feathered harbinger.


The sin looked back and focused on the young girls face. He smiled.

'This came in the kingdom post today. Addressed to you.' she said.

The shade glanced at the small letter wavering in her hand. Odd. A missive sent through kingdom post. He couldn't remember the last time he received any news through official means.

He thanked the welcomed messenger and sent her on her way.

The sound of the breaking seal was muffled by the chanting crowd and pulsating dumbeks.

Sutra read. He re-read the hastily written message.

He quietly folded the letter and tucked it back into the envelope.

Young lovers rushed past him, learned men traded racy tales, wives gathered in groups to trade the latest gossip, carefree children played.

Sutra walked leaned against the tree he stood next to and found a welcoming shadow as he whispered an incantation.

The drummers drummed and the dancers danced and all was well in Artus Pass.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:45 am 
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Sutra neared the gaping wound in the earth. He stood on the edge and peered in. Oblivion gazed back at him.

The verdant forest surrounding him was sweet with spring growth. The cool mountain air seemed almost moist. The sound of cascades rumbled in the distance.

He studied the rectangular gouge that marred mother's flesh. The daggers handle was snug in his shivering fist. It wasn't his. He had seen it before. Ages ago.

Birds sang in the rustling canopy above.

With a fluid motion, he held the dagger over the void and released it. The shinning blade fell effortlessly into the darkness. And it fell. And fell. And fell.

Sutra stood and strained to hear what sounded like distant voices. Almost like laughter. The shade shifted his attention behind him and waited. The faint sound of laughing grew louder.

The sound of lamentation. Of screaming. Gnashing teeth and anguish.


The word sent shivers down his spine as Sutra snapped his attention back to the hole he stood at. The grimacing skeleton reached out and gripped the shades wrist, pulling Sutra over the edge.


'Sutra!' the voice yelled.

The sin came to. He failed to remain calm. Almost instantly, the dark shade lost his footing and slipped. The fall over the waterfall cliff would have been fatal. The powerful hand caught Sutra's sleeve and gripped the young man's forearm.

Sutra's feet dangled slightly as bits of rock and grass freely fell towards the watery depths.

The dazed man looked up and focused on the hooded face. His grey eyes flashed concerned understanding. Almost empathy.

Sutra's eyes instantly teared up. A slight smile formed on the squires lips.


The two men sat along the river's edge as the sun set over Artus' Valley. The small cooking fire crackled as the two figures sat motionless.

'She told me you'd been standing there for three days now...'
'I can't...I don't remember anything...'
'Did you 'see' anything?'

Sutra gazed into the fire and nodded.

'I did.'

The Darkheart nodded.

'When you're ready. You know where to find me.'
'I know.'

Sir Delphos slowly stood to his feet and turned walking towards River Midnight. Without looking back he matter of factly departed with "...and if you haven't noticed. Your shadow is gone.' The ancient turned to a fine black mist, melding with the wind.

Sutra broke his gaze from the dancing flames and studied the ground around him. No flickering shadow was cast by either fire or fading sun.

The sin simply nodded and gripped the cloak around him tighter.

'It is...'

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:20 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The rested figure yawned. Stretching out, Sutra moaned a bit as his muscles trembled from a hard nights work.

He dreamt pleasantries of supple flesh and engulfing voids. The dark one smiled.

Sutra remained silent for a second, motionless. The two figures lay somewhat covered, scattered around him. Their tussled hair draped across their shoulders and backs like water. He had forgotten his appetite for nymphs.

The darkness had awakened things he had tried to forsake.


The shade draped the black overcoat over his shoulders and rolled his head to the left. He peered back into the mirror and blinked. His glowing eyes reflected a brilliant gold. Sutra grinned.

"Not even a goodbye kiss Bahuas?" a drowsy voice purred.

The master sin gazed into the mirror and over his shoulder back to the beautiful visage of his newest acquaintances. The cornucopia of red and raven manes shimmered in the sunlight sneaking through the drafty rafters. Full lips and hungry eyes eagerly studied the vested noble.

"I have business to attend to at the kingdom palace...but I suspect it won't take long." Confidence dripped from the reborn shade. He had almost forgotten what life on this side of the umbra was like.

The two girls giggled with anticipation. "Don't make us wait too long..."

"Promise..." Sutra hissed.


The shade strode up the alabaster steps leading up to the main palace doors. The kingdom castle had lain neglected for a couple reigns now, but the clean grounds and manicured scenery was indeed a sight for sore eyes. This barbarian king was breaking many a common stereotype.

Good, Sutra thought to himself. This should provide a pleasant reminder to the naysayers that an unknown citizen could wear the crown and accomplish much if their heart was in the right place.

Royal guards stood at attention with crossed pikes, barring the sins way.

The lone figure pulled his cloaks hood back revealing a black crown with an engraved hematite heart in the center. Sutra flashed a politician’s smile.

"Duke Sutra seeking attendance with the barbarian king and his advisors..."

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:54 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:48 am
Posts: 283
The trestle table was covered with maps. I stood with my generals poring over the most recent scouting reports. "The creatures are spreading far into the our borders both in the north and south." Virgil stated.

As we considered the newest estimates the door unexpectedly opened and a castle gaurd hastened into the room. "What brings you here Zod?" I inquired. "Sire, Duke Sutra is at the door and requests an audience with you." Zod replied. I order him "Escort him in posthaste Zod for I have need of him."

 Post subject: Re: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:34 am 
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Posts: 1772
The tight circle of enthralled ladies watched as the dark mages hand flickered with shimmering blue flame. Sutra focused on the captive audience of rosy cheeked majick guild apprentices. So many aspiring mages, so little time he mused.

"You have to let the mana flow through you, open you body and mind to its secrets..."

The clutch of students giggled with curious anticipation.

An important looking figure approached the small group gathered just inside the kingdom courtyard.

"King Alby will see you now."
"It appears m'ladies...that today's lesson is adjourned!" exclaimed the smiling wizard.

Disappointed protest emanated from the handful of students.

"Now now my ambitious elementalists...tomorrows lesson..."

"The king will see you n..." Zod interrupted.

The unamused duke held up a hand with a rigid index finger, silently telling the tactless advisor to wait a moment more.

"As I was saying...tomorrow’s to conjure fire without breaking too much of a sweat..." Sutra winked and bid adieu to the circle of nubile potential.

The two men made their way through the main courtyard entrance and into the palace proper. The sheriff's cane clicked rhythmically, casting echoes among the marble walls and iron busts of previous monarchs.


"King Alby will be with you in a moment." repeated the manservant.

Sutra nodded and proceeded to flick through the piles of maps and translated manuscripts regarding a portal and some dark and sinister force bent on destroying the kingdom or some such fairy tales. The sin chuckled at some of the half arsed translations.

Intercepted communications between vampire covens, scribbled reports from every corner of the kingdom describing attacks by frost giants and drow littered the large table.

A small band of rag tag fighters from King's Point and Mourningwood Glenn had managed to break the containment spell that plagued the revelers at Midreign and pieces of some tome had been recovered and translated. Their trek deep into the Emerald Library had proven successful.

From what Sutra could tell, the high kingdom seemed to be less effective in their plight than a group of peasent fighters. How convenient he mused.

The shade sighed as he peered out a stained glass window and watched the commotion of court life. Pleasent memories of gourmet cuisine and the unending presence of lonely and disappointed nobility rushed back.

His absence from the kingdom and her appatizing fruit was indeed too long.

"Seriously have starved yourself from these pleasures for the last time...." he muttered.

A wicked smile cracked the guild masters stoic demeanor.

Life was just about to take a turn for the interesting.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:29 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:48 am
Posts: 283
It seemed that the missives and reports would never end. Snippets from here and there and not a full picture from any of them. It seemed that the focus of my search wouldn't stay still.....

With that, I had a realization. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe I've been looking for something that I thought was static when, in fact, it was fluid and chaotic. That would explain how creatures could turn up all across the kingdom almost at the same instant with no evidence of their movements from one shire to another.

I quickly read over the report from Terryl Keep concerning the captured dark elf and the interrogation of the same. The creature had claimed that when their party had returned to where the portal had been, it had vanished, thus, their attempt to retreat through the underground caverns honeycombing the land. Put with that what Malran had said about this history of the elves book. What was it he had said? Something about an ancient war where those of the darkness had tried to summon some fell creatures from beyond only to have the portal to their domain dance about as if it had a mind of it's own.

At that, Zod knocked at the door. "Duke Sutra is here, your highness."

"I told you to stop calling me that, Zod." I didn't really care that Zod chose to play the 'perfect prefect' as he called it but the highness thing just didn't suit me.

"Don't leave him waiting. Send him in."

Zod disappeared for a moment only to reappear.

"Protector of the Emerald hills, Duke Sutra Bauhaus, Sheriff, Artus Pass." Zod said in his best herald voice, announcing the dark fellow who appeared in my doorway.

"Thank you for coming, Sutra. I've got quite a bit I need to tell you, and a few favors I need to ask of you as well."

 Post subject: Re: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:08 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The two men sat across each other in silence.

A fit of laughter broke the akwardness. Alby sat as he watched the shade turn red.

Sutra took a couple more moments to regain his composure.

The muffled sound of outside life reached the sitting men.

" reports..." the sheriff continued.

Alby nodded.

Sutra chuckled again.

"So?" the king asked.

The sin slowly stood and rolled up the parchement with the royal seal.

"Time is not on your side..." the shade responded.

Alby nodded.

The shade nodded in response and made his way out through the chamber doors.

The voice echoed through the vaulted halls as the words reached the seated monarch.

"...not on your side..."


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Echoes of the Heart
 Post Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:10 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:48 am
Posts: 283
As Sutra strode from the chamber, Zod passed him carrying an envelope. The missive was battered and dirty as if it had taken a more than usual post to the king.

"This just arrived by messenger, your Highness." Zod said, the usual not quite smirk on his face as he put voice the honorific that he know his monarch did not favor. "The rider was injured and is being tended to in the infirmary."

Alby took the envelope, looking at it. The battered yet still recognizable symbol on it's front was the one agreed upon when Malran went to find what he could. He tore the envelope open, unfolding a number of sheets of parchment. The topmost was addressed to Alby personally.

King Alby,

I hope this letter finds the kingdom still standing strong and you at it's helm. As requested, Myself, Karasu, Kaiden and Daydron set out to follow the trails of the creatures that have been attacking our lands. We kept a low profile at first, hoping to find by stealth what was required. It was soon made apparent to us that this just would not do. We could find the creatures, capture them and interrogate them when possible. The problem was always the same. The creature either didn't know enough information to be useful or it died before it could reveal what we needed.

About two weeks ago, Kaiden set us on the task of working our way into one of these bands of creatures, posing as creatures ourselves. With a bit of makup and some coaching by the two dark elves among us, we were able to do just that. Since then, we have discovered a number of very interesting facts. First, the creatures definitely do not know the current location of the portal. In fact, most of them don't actually recall coming through the thing. They only recall waking in our land with the idea firmly in their minds that loot or meat or whatever they desire is available if they attack the nearest group of civilized beings that they come across.

It was a bit of a shock to realized that the location that one of the dark elves described at the place where he first arrived was no more than a half days walk from the very gates of house singollo. The fact that the portal was that close and we didn't even have a clue of it's location does not give me much hope of finding it in the near future. One thing that has come up and which I feel obliged to inform you of, is a rumor that has begun spreading among the bands of dark elves still roaming the forests and caves of the land. There is one who can tell them where the portal will open next, disgorging it's evil residents upon the land. We are currently heading toward the meeting place that these rumors give in hopes of finding some clue as to predicting the portal's location. I fear, though, that this might be a wild goose chase in the end. Either way, I will send word as soon as I can concerning the resolution of this matter.

Your humble servant,

Lord Malran Singollo

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