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 Post Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:09 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:44 pm
Posts: 32
(Combined roleplays of Kenta and virgil)
The sun was beating down on me one hot summer's day in mourning wood glen, my
training regimens had already been completed so I was headed to a nearby lake to
take a needed break. I looked in water and ran my hand down the left side of my
face. "It's really gone, huh." I said aloud. Were once a gaping wound had been,
now had been healed with no signs that it had ever been there. "Actually I look
a lot different, if I went home I'm sure no one would notice me." I laughed.
It's true that my body had been going though several changes due to my time
here, my once raven black hear was now a dark brown, and even my deep red eyes
changed to a light hazel. I sat down under the shade of a tree and before I knew
Orpheus had whisked me away to the realm of dream.
Fire, that's what my dream consisted of, only flames. I however know these
flames all too well their black color reflecting the darkness of their user's
soul, the same flames that burned down my home. I can only pray that this is a
vision from my past and not of the future.
"Virgil, I need you to wake up." A voice spoke to me releasing me from my
feelings of dread, only to instill more. The commander of all the scouts of the
area told me that portals had just recently opened around the area and horrific
beings have been sighted. "Get the news out now, I am going to need
reinforcements." After I sent the commander off on his task I headed back to the
outpost I had been staying at to make it battle-ready.
The large gates opened up for me as my brain thought of how to best prepare.
First I would need to evacuate all but the fighters, no women and children to
leave behind; second I would need a base of operations, and third I would need
an army. Within a few hours the civilians had retreated to a nearby monastery,
and I had found my base. The inner sanctum, a place of holy light, the enemy
that I know shouldn't be able to enter here. After making the necessary
preparations I returned to a room that I had been using and began to write.

A few days later….
After trying to make the news about the portals and where reinforcements should
be sent to, I found that I had a small army at my disposal. "Alright valiant
defenders of mourning wood glen, we have a daunting task before us, it seems
that we have an army of demons trying to come and invade our home." I gave a
speech before battle "These demons will pillage and burn everything If we let
them, but we won't! We stop them here!" That seemed to hype up the solders until
it happened. The mist appeared and began to take form "Virgil! We're coming, oh
and the boss says hi!" the being said "Ingis, demon of flames, lowest on the
demon hierarchy, Does Mephistophillies think that I have lost my touch!" I spat
back at it "we will repel you and send you back in pieces!" but before I knew It
I was talking to air… The battle was soon to begin.
It all happened so fast, the gates were down and blades were flying everywhere.
Soon bodies of both demons and humans began to litter the courtyard of the
outpost. I tried healing as many people as I could but it was all in vain, there
was just too many. My sight began to grow dim and I heard a voice in the back of
my head "virgil. do you think you can resist." I stumbled through the battle
field "all will burn, virgil it is only a matter of time." the last thing i
remeber seeing is ignis, then everything went black.

Kenta hated shopping, the the Darkwoods of MWG couldn't provide all of his
needs. Some things were only available in the town.
"Demons!!!" the sentry shouted "strange creatures massing to the north!!"
"Well, spit, so much for a pleasant day" snarled the Wolf Lord. "Get the
civilians under cover. Break out weapons from the armory, let all who can fight
do so!!"
"I appreciate your help Sir Kenta" Virgil said "but those preperations are
already underway"
"Good Man, good to see someone with some sense is in charge of the Glenn"

Kenta donned arms and armor. " I'll not let these foul creatures take my home
without a fight" he vowed to himself.

BOOM, BOOM, BOOM and with a mighty crash down came the gates. Demonspawn
flooded through. After hours of fighting, the defenders were pushed back to the
great hall.

"Let ussss have Virgil and we'll leeeave you alooneee" a larger more obnoxious
demon croaked. "Master wisheesss himmss"
"You'll not take this man!" Kenta boomed at the abomination, "I've grown quite
fond of him as a friend and neighbor"

Again the fighting errupted, and again the defenders were thrown back. There
were simply too many of the enemy.

"Fall back, Fall back! Fall back to the Sanctuary!" Virgil cried
"Heal me!" a barbarian begged the Alycote "let me fight"
"No, we need everyone we can get, fight more and you'll die" Virgil told the
"Virgil, sometimes we must help people fulfill their purpose in life" Kenta
sagely told the young man "even if their purpose is to go forth and die. Heal
the man, and let him cover the retreat"
Kenta stayed to fight, slowly giving ground. All his enchantments and tricks
spent. He screamed as the demon's spear scored his leg. A javelin sailed,
Kenta watched it comming, knowing it would be the end of him. The shaft struck
his temple and all went black.

Kenta started awake, consiousness slow in comming. "That's a new spell for you
isnt it Alycote?" Kenta asked the young healer.
"yes Sir it is, how did you know"
"Resurection isn't suppost to time heal the wounds first then
rez...your patient will thank you more for it. How long was I out?"
"about a week Sir, there were a lot of wounded, and only a few healers"
"So, here we are locked in the Sanctuary...Demons outside, and four days till
the full moon. Has anyone made any escape plans?"
"No Sir, as I said...we've been patching up the wounded and resurecting all that
we can. What does the moon have to do with anything?"
"Just the fact that in four days you'll be locked in here with a hungry
"ALRIGHT LISTEN UP" a young soldier yelled to the masses. "What we're gonna do
is punch straight through and make for the ruins of old MWG. We'll regroup
there and resupply"

I awoke, for what I can assume was an eternity later, outside of the inner
sanctum. "VIRGIL! GET UP AND RUN!!!!" a voice ordered me. Dazed and confused I
tried to get to my feet to no avail. "How long have I been out?" I wondered to
myself. "Here let me help you up" Tellous said offering me his hand. "Thanks,
how long have I been asleep and what's going on?" I asked as several people
bolted past me. "We are making a break for Old Mourning Wood Glenn; I will fill
you in once we are a safe distance away." He told me helping me to my feet. It
was then I finally got a good look at what was happening.

We, the remnants of mourning wood glen's army, were making a break out the
grand halls doors. It seems like the demons had pushed us into the inner
sanctum, No wonder I was out cold, and we after being trapped for a time,
decided to rush for the exit. "Man at arms get the lead out!" I heard a familiar
voice order, and a push come from behind. "YES SIR KENTA!" I said as I stumbled
toward the doors where the shield men had set up a temporary line and fired off
as many banishes as I could to make a dent in the charging forces. "MOVE
FORWARD!" I commanded "Shield men protect the magic casters and Magic casters
char the enemy forces. Any other melee fighters form a V around The line and
move forward!" Slowly but surely we were starting to make our way out to the
courtyard, until the worst happened.

All of a sudden half of the shield line Ran screaming in fear from the
sight of some of the more fearful demons. "STAY IN LINE!!!! PROTECT YOURSELF AND
EVERONE ELSE AT THE SAME TIME!!!" I screamed in vain "We're all gonna die!!!!!!"
screams like this and others were the only reply I got. The shield men ran
through the army of demons and were quickly slain. "SAVE ALL WE CAN!!! ANYONE
didn't have to say that twice and soon the only people with me were a few
solders, Tellous, and Kenta.... oh joy.

The few people we had left were thinning, I couldn't keep up the healing,
there were too many things going on all at once. "Damn heal spell, if only I
could shorten the incantation!" I shouted in my frustration. I think the other
troops could tell I was almost out of energy, and I will tell you one thing when
your only healer is getting too tired to do anything, it's not too good for
morale. "We can make it guys just don't give up!" Tellous said trying to boost
morale. Kenta and he were holding off quite a few, thank you buffs, however they
couldn't stop them all and soon they were wounded and knocked to the ground.
Oddly enough the swarms of demons just moved past them, they knew their target.
Soon they were upon me but they didn't attack just yet, they just hissed amongst
themselves. "Master wants him alive, right?" one hissed "That takes away all of
our fun!" "Perhaps we can find away to bring him back, then we can still have
our fun without Master killing us." It was over, I was going to die, and
Mephestophillies was going to take this realm and my life too. "DUMBASS, don't
give up so easily!" I heard in the back of my head "This realm isn't your home
remember, don't you want to go back!" The sky became Darker than any sort of
darkness I had ever seen before.... wait that's not right, I have seen this
darkness before. A swirling vortex soon engulfed me and the remaining survivors
and whisked us away from the ruins of the outpost we failed to hold.

Before I knew what was happening I was at old Mourningwood Glenn. “DOES ANYONE WANNA TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED WHILE I WAS OUT COLD?!” I asked Annoyed with how things turned out “well Virgil, it’s kinda a long story.” Tellous told me “when the demons attacked their leader used some sort of mind control and got a hold of you, it was one hell of a fight but we got you back!” Tellous said proudly “many lost their lives that day, me included...” Kenta continued the story “But before I was slain I remember that you were thrown into the inner sanctum and shortly after I was killed, however thanks to our healers I will fight again.” After hearing their stories I said that I needed a quick break then we would decide what to do next, and went over to the nearby lake.
I sat by the lake pondering what to do next, and going over in my head what a failure the battles before had been. “So many have been slain... and it’s my fault.” I told myself staring into the water abysmally, that’s when I noticed. “It’s there!” I screamed looking at the gash that covered my cheek, it was smaller than before but there was no mistaking the blood red color, my scar was returning. “Virgil, you always did overreact.” I heard behind me “So Bane, how did you get here?” I asked turning around to face the demon of darkness. “Well while you have been slacking off here, over a hundred years have passed in our world...” Bane started his story “A HUNDRED YEARS!” I blurted out “But I have only been here for about a year!” “Time must move slower here than in our world, that’s why every second here counts...” Bane explained.
Apparently whilst I was away Mephestophillies decided that with me gone there was no one to stop him and took over what little remained of the world. He then over the course of the years built eleven cities, one for each of his generals who were still loyal to him, and each of these cities powers a force field around the main fortress of Mephestophillies. He then hunted down and captured Bane and cast a spell over him making him his slave, Apparently Tori and Marcus have managed to stay out of Mephestophillies’ sights and thanks to the Immortality (mine) I gave Tori she still is the same age as when I left, however the rest of my group is under a stasis field and being used a tool to keep Edward under Mephestophillies’ control. Mephestophillies then noticed that in the realm he sent me to I was thriving and was soon to become the Barron of an area, He decided that that was bad and started to open the portals to this realm. Bane was sent with a force to be the reinforcements for Mephestophillies’ side of the siege and ran into our reinforcements and was set free.
I returned to the group after speaking with Bane, apparently he had news for everybody. “So what is it that everyone needs to know?” I asked Bane “Mephestophillies is sending another army to destroy you in two weeks.” He answered “TWO WEEKS!!! THAT’S NOT ENOUGH TIME TO SET UP OUR DEFENCES!” I blurted out the first thoughts in my head “calm yourself, we have plenty of time.” Kenta told me “But two weeks isn’t enough time to build up a new fortress!” I said “you don’t need to worry about that I already checked out our old one.” Tellous said walking up “The demons have already cleared out and are more than likely regrouping.” I got it now “So what we need to do is simply reinforce the fortress we were in before, eh” I said “exactly, you’re sharper than you look Virgil.” Kenta said “heh, well you know.... WAIT ARE YOU SAYING THAT I LOOK STUPID!” I replied. Kenta simply laughed and walked off, probably to tell the troops of the new developments.

After a bit of a walk we reached the fortress, or what remained of it. Although there was more in place than I thought in the beginning, it turns out that only the doors and some of the walls were destroyed. “Wow this place held up better than I thought.” I said to myself “Alright everybody! This is where we will make our stand against the demons.” Throughout the small group there were words of disproval and dissent, but were easily silenced when Bane stood forward and simply gave them a look. Now all we needed where supplies, “Kenta, where can we find wood.” I asked “Why are you asking me?” Kenta replied “well you do live in a forest.” I said “NO! You’re not cutting down my home!” Kenta said rejecting my idea “we only need a few trees and we will plant as many as we cut down, so please Kenta we are short on time and need to go where someone knows.” I begged “Fine then...” Kenta said not pleased. “TO THE DARKWOODS!” I ordered and soon we where off, little did me or Kenta know what was awaiting us inside of the woods.

"He may be out of his mind But some day you will find
That sanity's left us all blind And dragged us all behind"

"I cannot quench your thirst
Because even if you yearn for the truth, you refuse to believe in it.
I cannot quench your thirst
Because no such truth exists that you are in anticipation for.
But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one the that put you into the desert."
-Frederica Bernkastel

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