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 Post subject: The Calling One
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:03 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
he settled in for the evening. the full moon provided ample lighting without the need for a fire.

it had been a couple days now since his trek lead him north, again. he had taken the same three paths past the eagles peak and into the harsher north lands.

he figured it was time to find a fourth. the passage was rough and untravelled, but he managed to amuse himself this time.

an occassional game with the native goblins, Sutra made sure not to be jaded by the same old request, over and over again.

scout here and go there. find this out for us. it had turned into a gruesome cycle he had planned to break.

he was loyal to the crowns and the lands he had grown accustomed to calling home. the recent months had proven that much of what he had taken for granted was shifting away like etchings on wave wet sand.

his heart would be concerned if he had a little...


Sutra peered up into the night sky. a blazing star streaked against the black void the heavens produced. it had grown darker of late.

as if the gods had hidden their favor from the kingdom. from the peoples. from him.

he could sense his 'brother' in the umbra. he could feel the intense fascination his broken half experienced since the light one began his personal 'witch' hunt in the lands.

leaning against moss covered stones, the dark shadow slept once more. his dream had become portents of the things of now and of the things yet to be. he had seen and heard much. he measured that knowing too much may prove his undoing.


the creaky restraints had ripped the soft flesh from his wrists. he angrily roared like a captive beast. he could see the shimmering jewels mounted on the gilded crown. the mocking laughter would drive any man mad.

it was a barter. as if his blood was worth the dreams of the fedayin.

'so we have a deal?'

a dark shadow danced before Sutra's blood shot eyes.



'Tu'x ka binex?'

the whisper startled the slumbering 'scout'. his eyelids shifted open. his body remaind motionless. his dealings with witchery and illusions had steeled his resolve not to break.

'Kin bin tin nah....' he replied.

the childish giggle, slowly silenced by a sigh intrigued him.

it was a tongue he had no knowledge of, but it emanated from the depths of his spirit. a spirit he had thought was long forgotten.

He sat up with a pair of daggers at the ready and focused into the midnights darkness.

Again, he was alone.


He replayed the question in his mind as he prepared the fried boars flesh in a makeshift metal skillet.

'Where are you going?'
'I'm going home.'

He tasted the salty blade and thought.

Sutra thought.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: The Calling One
 Post Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 8:41 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The thunderous roar of the miniscule water drop stirred the angry barbarian from his already troubled sleep.

Matted red hair clung languidly to the dried spittle the exiled baron had drooled moments before.

His right hand, calloused and swollen, shot to his face. It greedily pressed against his tired skin.

A roared sigh escaped his cracked lips.

'...Baron Chaos...'

It was the familiar tone that angered the large man. The tale-tell sound of creaking cartilage and sinew warned the hidden voice to eagerly advise against the collected thoughts of an angry barbarian.

'...don' will only make the poison work faster...'

Baron Chaos stopped as he squinted into the darkness.

Sutra could only wonder what thoughts were possibly running through the man's newly acquired head. He must have been thinking how in the realms had he managed to sneak into his domicile. Had he killed the scant loyalists Chaos had appointed to guard his sleep? Was it possible that they had simply let him in without incident?

'...Now, without saying a word...just listen.'

''s not too late Chaos. You CAN change the course of history here and now...'

Sucking in air, Chaos sat up motionless, straining, listening to the whispered advice.

'...50 seconds...that's what you have, where was I?'

Chaos eyes could kill an orc. Sutra continued.

'The army marches north again. They will not allow themselves to suffer yet a third defeat at the hands of their most remote holding. A holding that was supposed to be...loyal.'

Sutra smirked.

'Yet it turn's out, that the very leader the people of the keep have elected, is more of a tyrant than they ever pictured the Queen to be.'

The barbarians massive maw creaked open to declare some sort of self importance, Sutra was sure of it.

' have 15 seconds left before that poison takes it's toll on you...stop wasting time.'

The sound of a flicked vial rang through the stifled dark air.

'...Make what you have left...count...'

the shattering of glass broke the momentary silence.

Chaos braced himself for the muscle spasms that typically accompanied an assassins poison. Perhaps he would be able to call for a healer in time.

Eyes wincing closed he waited with baited breath.




Sutra tucked the sanguine tinted sackcloth underneath his chin as he leaned into the cold northern winds.

He would wait for the royal armies and report as he had done in the previous conflicts.

Would Chaos heed his words and realize what had to be done to salvage both the kingdom and his people.

The sound of singing in a lone tavern could be heard.

"Mysteri", Sutra thought to himself. Now there's a voice he hadn't heard in a while.

His mind thought of a still breathing Chaos, an amused grin contorted his expression.

Making his way to the tavern, he prepared for another night in repose before they kingdoms armies came calling.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: The Calling One
 Post Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 11:25 pm 

Joined: Tue May 02, 2006 10:26 am
Posts: 50
Mysteri was just finishing the song she had been singing when she felt him enter the tavern.
Well he can stick to the shadows that is for sure but.... Mysteris mind wonderd as she collected the coin that people handed to her after her performance. " And now my friends I must take a break for a moment but I leave you in good hands." She motions for Flames to take the stage in her place. " now I expect you to treat him with the same kindness you have shown me." Flames looks startled for a bit but he does take the stage with requests comming from all around him for differant songs.
Mysteri looks about her taking stock of who is still in the tavern and and motiong to one person to walk with her if he chose. She sent a very quet message one that no one in the room would be able to hear but him.....Sutra...not safe meet me.... you know where."

 Post subject:
 Post Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:50 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:38 pm
Posts: 97
meanwhile....Tobias visits the old witch's daughter, the daughter of the woman who showed tobias and his brethren how to survive in this forrest he calls home.

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