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 Post Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:57 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The shade strode silently towards the entrance he recalled seeing etched in the hastily drawn map.

Producing the weathered parchment, Sutra squinted as he looked into the sky. Tilting his head to the left, the assassin studied the glyphs lining the stone entrance. He didn't want to overstep his welcome anymore.

Sutra felt around in the leather pouch bearing the royal crest. Slowly he pulled a small trinket and rolled it in his palm. The small jade dragon figurine sat motionless. The sin chuckled at the sight. King Alby had described what should occur if it were presented at the library gates.

The trinket had been enchanted by the one they called Hellblazer.

'Here's goes nothi..." the shade grinned as he tossed the jade artifact a few inches into the air before him. The fluttering wings sprang out, the small head snapping its gaze to and fro.

The sheriff watched in suprised amusement. The small amulet had come alive. A specially enchanted key allowing access to the library Flinn had found. The small hoovering dragon key fluttered to an indention in the center of the fortified entrance.

Sutra waited.

The stone doors effortlessly glided open, revealing a long corridor into nothingness.

'This should be fun...' the dark one mused.

He wondered if Finn the mage would be expecting him.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 6:10 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The vaulted ceiling somehow absorbed the shades footsteps. The air was not the stale motionless atmosphere one would expect from an ancient crypt of knowledge.

Sutra kept a cautious stride as he delved deeper into the long hallways towards what seemed to be an atrium. Time seemed to stand still here. Lining the hall were countless other halls branching into oblivion. Shelves and bookcases stacked with books and more books as far as the eye could gaze. Impressive.

Electrified excitement coursed through his veins. How large a gap this collection could fill his own archives caused his mind to teem with anxious curiosity.

Knowledge and wisdom, history and stories all reached out to him like forgotten lovers. His sprit yearned to be consumed by them all. To meet and visit with every fragile tome this library had to offer.

But now was not the time. The sin pressed on.

What seemed an eternity, the shadow reached the center of the largest network of chambers. He stood studying the stonework under his feet. Figures and events spiraled away from the center. A story, it seemed, unfolded before his eyes.

"Now this...this is interesting..." spoke the dark one.

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 7:15 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The pictograms coiled around in upon themselves. Intricately woven, the story told the tale of an ancient darkness that had once engulfed the verdant land before it was known as the Emerald Hills. Civilization had come to a stand still in this time of darkness. The glint of the first age had faded away and was replaced by a time of confusion and fear.

The light that lit their path had been stolen. The people lived for many seasons in aimless panic, living every day at the whim of what gods remained.

A single being emerged from the void and consumed the darkness into themself.

Sutra squinted as he knelt a bit closer to the crude etching of the lone figure surrounded by a rejoicing populace. Wiping away at dust and bits of cobwebs, he examined the face closer. The gender was indistinguishable. No matter. This being had become the peoples salvation.

A block of cycling moons framed another chapter in the tale. This being united the shattered tribes into a single people. Brought new technology and planted the seed of faith and hope. Knowledge and tolerance had become paramount in this times of plenty.

The echoing footsteps caused the dark one to pause. Looking up from his sketched journal, Sutra held his breath and waited as he scanned the empty hall. His left hand gripped the leather bound notebook a bit tighter before cautiously resuming his unexpected research.

The imagery of peace and prosperity began to shift. Scenes of burning figures at stakes, mass genocide against one group or another, and an exile of what appeared to be children peppered the most recent phases of the crown.

The lone figure was gone, but the symbol associated to them was etched next to every gruesome scene. A woman's laugh caught the master sin off guard. Like an unamused cat, Sutra produced an unsheathed dagger from his right hip and placed the book into a leather pouch.

"Better you reveal yourself now than force me to do it for you..." his voice echoed.

A giggle bounced between columns just from behind his left shoulder. Spinning on his heel, Sutra scanned the dark halls. The shade shifted his weight and called upon the power of flame. Within seconds, a whirling orb of fire escaped his hand and landed between what must have been the Eastern door frame. It remained active, casting ominous shadows into the barely lit hallway.

Whoever she was, she became bolder; laughter now surrounding him from every direction. The very air became uncomfortably chilled. A misty haze escaped the shades lips. This was not looking good he repeated in his thoughts.

Not good at all.

"Eshua..." the flowing voice whispered.

The sin froze. 'Eshua'. Only one other person called him that besides his mother and sister.

Anxiousness melted away into a paralyzing grip of emptiness.

Her coy laughter filled the cavernous room and his ears.

The sound of bare feet came from the West. Sutra slowly peered over his right shoulder in time to make out the lithe figure illuminated by a single torch and the fading fireball.

Her pale skin was as supple and inviting as he last remembered. Her gray eyes studied him like a famished predator. Tendrils of raven black hair framed her delicate face.

"Alicia?" Sutra begged.

"After all this time dearest Eshua, I still weigh so heavy on your shattered heart?" the ghost snidely inquired.

"I...I saw..." the shade stammered.

"You saw me...what, my dear inquisitor?" she lured.

"...I lit the altar myself."
"Did you now?"
"I did."

"Well then this is an odd predicament now isn't it?"

Sutra summoned what remained of his strength to shake himself awake. Nothing. Her eyes studied him, a smile revealing she could see his wavering trepidation.

"Finish it..." she declared.
"What? Alice...I...I..."
"Finish IT."
"Finish what?"

Her slender arm pointed to the ground at his feet. Sutra shook his head confused and looked at his feet. The sight of skinned bodies and boot heel deep blood caught him off guard, causing him to lose his footing. The wet thud of his flesh spalshing in the icor of fresh death echoed in the vaulted ceiling. The bodies lay motionless but their eyes watched him. Their tongues had been ripped from their mouths but they pleaded. Sutra pushed away from the hot pool of blood and mutilated flesh, slipping on his back repeatedly. Rolling unto his hands and knees, the shade reached the base of a column and gripped it for dear life.

The lovely vision tiptoed around the pile of bodies towards him. The hem of her white dress became heavy with lifeblood. Her eyes remained focused on her target. Sutra.

"You expect to leave here without the knowledge you so eagerly sought dark
one?" she smiled.

"I...I...not like this..." he weakly replied.

"Not everything will be given to you on your time sweet prince..."

Sutra gripped his dagger and began his teleportation chant. She secured a searing grip around his face.

"Shhh...we have sooo much to catch up on..." she wickedly hissed.

The last 'teleport' was plucked out from his lips. He stared back at her soul less eyes in sheer terror. This was not his Alice. Not the broken hearted lover he watched die at the hands of the dread Skythasis. Not the sweet spirited girl he pledged his undying love to. Not his Alice.

"FINISH IT!" the grotesque face roared. Her breath singed his face, smelling
something like a burning crypt.

Sutra's spirit meet her darkness with defiance.

"That's it...remember..." she growled. "Remember."

The shades lips slowly contorted into a sinister grin.

He slowly reached into his right pocket and produced a small sliver of glass. Her hands began to sear his throat, orb less eye sockets boring into his soul.

With a single thrust, the glass shard found its mark on the demons neck. Her howl shook the very foundation of the library. Instantly, the figure exploded into a million embers. Sutras hand broke open due to the force of the shattering shard. His angry scream rang out. The ocean of screams flooded his mind. The bodies writhing and burning to cinder before his squinting eyes. Blood sizzled to an angry boil.

This was not how Sutra saw his death. Not like this.

Instantly, the room was engulfed in hell fire. Sutra screamed, inhaling sulfurous flames deep within, burning him to the core.


He leapt back and fell hard on his arse, screaming and choking. Sutra's eyes frantically swept the dark and empty chamber. Scrambling to his feet, the sin produced an oblivion sphere and cupped it offensively.

Silence answered his frantic panting. Sweat beaded down his trembling brow.

Profanities in every tongue he knew spilled forth from his dry lips.

Slowly crumbling to his knees, Sutra lustfully caressed the cold marble floor with his hands, stomach and face. His writhing slowed to a shivering silence. His breathing slowed, allowing him to taste the dust he had inhaled. From the corner of his eye, he watched the last page of his journal catch fire and die out. An etched sigil remained.

Sutra's mind slowly sank into a calming serenity. Away from what he had just seen. Slowly his eyes drooped closed. Fatigue washed over him. Sleep. Protective sleep.

He welcomed his mind's trick of aversion.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

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