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 Post subject: The Rise of the Queen
 Post Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 10:55 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Forest stood before the court to herald the evening's ceremonies. Queen Clio and Regent Blaise addressed their Kingdom and presented awards and honors to the populace for their actions during the war with Mallibus. As the court was drawing to a close, Forest was no where to be found. Before anyone could ask where the herald had gone, a small army came forward from the crowd. Then, from the back of the room, a voice rang out.

"People of the Hills, this Kingdom has been without its true leader for too long. There is one who helped the rebellion to reinstate the crown when she found there was a conspiracy within the Republic to enslave it peoples. There is one who has earned your respect and trust, and who has not waivered in her devotion to the Hills. I present to you the true Queen of the Emerald Hills!" Forest announced.

With that, a hoard of Corsairs appeared, almost out of thin air, and stood at the ready on the opposite side of the court. From their midst, Reine, former PM and Treasurer to the Crown stepped forward.

"Clio, you have served your Kingdom, but now, your place is as a delegate to the Celestial Kingdom." Reine informed the court.

Before anyone could move, the Demon Prince - Don Wolverine (in human form) appeared and held out his hand for the crown. Clio saw many of her own guard standing with Reine on one side and Forest on the other. She slowly handed the crown to Don Wolverine.

"People of the Hills. I give you a true leader. One who has watched and served from behind the throne. One who has protected you from the shadows. One who will lead you to greatness. I present to you Queen Reine!" Don Wolverine proclaimed.

Reine stepped forward and Don Wolverine placed the crown on her head. Queen Reine then motioned to Forest and he stepped forward and Blaise took her own crown and presented it to him.

"My fellows of the Hills. I am here to lead you, and to serve you. Together, we will bring this Kingdom back into greatness. Follow me, and see what things we can accomplish." she cried.

The crowed cheered for their new Queen. They knew her well, and they loved her. Forest stepped back with a sigh. The time of war was passed. Now, as Prince, the time of the Arts, and of the Sciences, would flourish. He was at peace.

But Queen Reine, though she smiled outwardly, was not as complacent. She knew of more evil within the court. She knew of one who would seek to undermine her place as Monarch. And while she would love to route out the villain, she could not do so without proof, and this enemy had been very clever in covering its tracks.

She knew it was going to take time. But she had a plan to deal with this traitor. All she had to do, was make the populace an offer they couldn't refuse...

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:30 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Forest sat back in his Royal chamber. Though the Castle had been his "home" many times, his gypsy heritage always made such places feel uneasy and too confining. Pushing aside his wanderlust, he returned to the task at hand. He had already made plans with the neighboring Kingdoms to hold a grand cultural competition. It would be a sure way for the artisans of the Hills to show their superior talents. As he finished the last announcement scroll, the door burst open.

"The damn fools!" the Queen raged as she flopped down in a nearby chair. "They are still clinging to a beliefe that the damned Demon will return."

"Nice to see you as well. yes breakfast was nice and in fact i did finalize the arrangements for the tri-Kingdom Dragonmaster, thanks for asking." Forest replied to the interruption.

Reine sighed, "Since when do I waste time with niceties when there is work to be done? It seems that Baron Chaos has declared Finder's Keep a freehold and they are rebelling against us in order to continue serving Mallibus."

"A rebellion? How...unique." Forest chuckled. "\But seriously, don't they realize that Mallibus' power was destroyed? He is banished to the nether world."

"Barbarians have never been known for their sharp intellect." reine said dryly.

"So I must put aside my work towards the arts and return to a time of war. I will gather the army and..." Forest began.

"Wait!" Reine interrupted. "Who said you were leading the army? Everlast is the defender of the Realm. He will lead our troops to put down this remaining resistance. You can finish your work here, but be ready to leave soon. We will travel with the troops to personally oversee our victory, and to assure the survivors that Finder's Keep is still a part of our Kingdom."

With that, Queen Reine left and sent summons to Everlast to prepare for war. Forest turned back to his work, but the thoughts of battle remained in his head. He would not be able to focus on the task at hand while there was a war to prepare. He set aside the scroll, and grabbed his sword.

"Perhaps Everlast would like some assistance in preparing the men for battle..."

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:08 pm 
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Posts: 224
Typhus sat in his ruined room at he temple. The ruin not from outside but from his fit of rage earlier. Finally composed he sat and though to himself.

That fool of a barbarian how dare he even think that he can summon one as Mallibus. Reguardless of the fact that the dark gods have placed him in the specail prison reserved for those who fail at their appointed tasks. I cannot face him alone yet I am alone here for none speak out against his horde. The Healers Guild just forming and begining to show it potential now must be called to battle. To heal those who plan to stop this fool and his horde (if horde is what you can call them).

He walks to his desk and begins to write,

Queen Reine Von Doom

For now you have my support in this matter, though it may not always appear so my support is there. I grow tired of thos that think they understand the dark ways. This barbarian and his horde must be taken down.

In Service,
Typhus Deathcaller
Guildmaster of Healers
Kracker Baron

He finds one of his few remaining messenger (the ones he can trust) and sends him forth hoping this one does not die or get killed on the way.

Baronet Typhus Deathcaller
Guildmaster of Healers
Master Healer
Kracker Baron

 Post Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:11 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:37 pm
Posts: 50
Queen Reine stood on the balcony at the top of her castle looking over the Emerald Hills. The warm breeze was comforting, but her thoughts are consumed with Finders Keep and the army that is marching from the West. She will not let her kingdom fall to ruin from this spell.

The Queen knew there were small fractions of people that were hiding in the deep woods that were not loyal to the Crown or any one else for that matter, but she had to focus on the ultimate goal, freeing the populace of Finder's Keep. "Damn that bull headed Barbarian. What is he thinking?"

Just then a messenger from the West entered surrounded by her Royal Guard. "A meesage for the Queen" he said as he shook as if something had been following him. The message from Typhus provided hope to Her Majesty, but others would need to know about this possible loyal fraction.

The Queen called for her most trusted advisor to gather her armor and to finalize battleplans. After all orks and trolls have been known to occasionaly cross the borders into Eagleshire, she must be prepared.

 Post Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 11:13 am 
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Sutra stood on the dirt patch that remained untilled. His father was busy kicking a stubborn ox as it pulled languidly at an old tree stump.

He noticed the riders burst through a cloud of dust a mile up on the road towards the main square of town.

Sutra leaned on his homemade pickaxe and waited. Soon the riders and horses reared to a stop. Excitement seemed to charge the young faces.

'Will you fight with us?' the group’s leader spouted out manly.

'And for what exactly?' Sutra replied a little entertained by the emboldened young men.

'Where have you been the last month? The queen! The queen is mad and has declared war on innocents! We ride north to defend the oppressed. Will you ride with us?' The horse turned this way and that. It seemed as confused as the young mans logic.

Sutra's brow furrowed, a bead of sweat trickled past his eye. Stinging sweat in the eyes was never a favored reminder of life, but it was enough to break his calculation of the day and a half it would take to reach the Shire of the Eagle.

'The queen mad eh? Are you sure? Is it the barbarian and his folk you wish to protect?' Sutra grimaced a bit looking at the young man, the sun hanging like a halo behind him.

'Follow the main path North. Gather any able bodied fighter you can.'

The look of disdain marked his face as he yelped riding off towards town. The others sheepishly followed.

Sighing, Sutra hung his head and shook the dirt from his pants. Yawning, he speculated what other tales and stories were entertaining drunks and old wives throughout the lands.

The queen, mad? Surely the curse of the Mall'abus had been broken. It never had a chance to affect her. Even the old barbarian must be cleansed by now. A shiver worked down his neck as he remembered his previous nightmare. Wererats on the march south.

Is it possible?


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:13 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 11:15 pm
Posts: 112
As I awake from a sleep in a deeply forested area ,the spell of Malabus now lifted, I still see images of the battle, one in particular stood out the most.

I'm running fast our general Wolvie behind me I look around see many whom are inept with blade and bow, behind us I hear Sir Wolvie shout an order and not a second later I hear the fury of blades crashing together. I feel empowered, angry, and in a flash of light i wake up and i feel blood running down my shoulder, hand, and leg, most of it not my own.

I get up and start walking all of a sudden realizing that ive lost my companions.

1. Napolean
2. George Patton
3. Robert Edward lee
4. Genghis Khan
Honor the great generals of old

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