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 Post Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:11 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The December chill bound itself tightly to his bones. Sutra stood on the cliff overlooking the tumultuous sea. A glimmering light would occasional flash on the coast line. The barbaric fleet had finally made landfall.

'It's history in the making sire.' interrupted the small voice. Isis gripped at her cloak tightly.

The master chuckled at the astute observation. His apprentice was learning much about her new home and herself. Natures shadow had called her name. And she answered. The spark of druidic magic took root in her spirit. Sutra was proud.

'No. It will be by The Guild's design that will make this story.'

Isis stood still as segments of what Sutra had shared about The Guild fluttered in her mind. It has happened before. And it would happen again.

Voices carried on the salty wind. Traces of familiar tongues reached Sutra's ears, mixed with not so familiar speech. Grunts and howls, like beasts of burden. They all shared the same purpose. Conquest.

Sutra nodded as his growing shadow watched on. The metallic taste of majicks was inviting as he chanted his final teleport verse.


Court was in full swing. Voices rumored excitedly. Darktigger's fleet had put up a brave fight but in the end had been out maneuvered by winged mages.

Darktigger stood defiant till the end. His words echoed in the mighty hall. Some stood weeping. Others stared stoically into an unsure future. He dismissed his trusted advisers with courtly finesse. The dull device crowning his head seemed to weigh heavily on his conscious tonight.

Regent Cynisca was called upon, thanked, and quietly dismissed.

As soon as his civil manner had been displayed, his face twisted in contempt. His insults rang through the cold hall, calling the victorious barbarian by many names. Others would soon call him King Alby.

The heavy castle doors swung open, almost blowing out the candelabras and throwing the populace into darkness. A confidently young voice bellowed in response.

Alby and his caravan had broken through the final remnants of defense the defeated king had put in place.

Instantly, the two opposing forces set upon each other and within moments, Darktigger lay dead at the foot of the Emerald Throne. Hushed silence washed over the captive audience.

Alby words began to echo through the halls as he assured the populace no more violence.

The coiling darkness was almost invisible to the eye before it materialized a few feet to Alby's left. The Guild's master had decided to make an appearance. Sutra's glowing white orbs for eyes peered deeply into the entirety of Alby's escort. A myriad of agendas flowed from each and every single one of them.

A grin revealed a pair of pointed fangs. A guard would later testify that he could swear he heard the master sin purr.

Sutra surveyed the corpse of the previous monarch and calmly stepped over the motionless figure.

'Your dead body...' the shade whispered.

Sutra turned and knelt down to pick up the sad excuse of a crown. The true kingdom crowns had gone missing in the confusion that war had brought their homelands these past couple years and many an expedition turned up empty-handed. Pity. Was it possible that those most entrusted to secure the safety of the kingdom's remnants of legacy had failed the kingdom again.

No matter.

'This is NOT a crown.' Sutra hissed.

Alby and his lot stood with white knuckles clenching their sword pommels. Rumor had begun to spread that the barbarian had managed to acquire the right price to interest The Guilds involvement.

The dark one slowly reached into his leather pouch and produced a small chain circlet he had procured earlier that day. Sutra scoffed at this item as well before fixing his gaze upon the incoming monarch.

'...and neither is this. But it will do.'

Alby nodded.

'...These people will need a leader. They will lend their trust in you. Do not tempt fate with their well being.' Sutra growled.

'And one last thing barbarian, there is nothing sacred in this kingdom...'

Sutra quickly glanced at the glowing aura of sacred ground that Alby confided in.

'...unless The Guild deems it so. Do you understand?'

The king stood defiant, a nervous anxiousness hidden in his eyes. Sutra knew his point had been made.

The assassin held out the kings new crown. Alby accepted and snugly placed it on his head.

The shade nodded and stepped away from the throne, melding once more into the darkest corners of the kingdom.

Night marched on as the Alby appointed his new court. Regent Orchid called upon her guard and the kingdom nervously rejoiced in the continued routine they had taken for granted.

Sutra watched with eager anticipation fully aware that the greater scheme of things was well under way.

Soon the darkest of days would envelop the kingdom and redemption would be granted.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

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