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 Post subject: Dragon Hunting 101
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 6:57 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:24 pm
Posts: 405
"Mystic Dragons... Green Dragons... Black Dragons...!!!"
"Hell I don't care what color they are!" grumbled the Darkheart.

The full heat of Sol beat down on his head and his sweat soak scarf offered little if any cooling comfort, but it was better than the head burn he would get without its protection. He'd been told many times that there was far more Dwarf to him than he cared to admit, sadly he had never been blessed with the thick braids so prided by his father's clan. Even when he had possessed a full head of hair, it had been fair and thin like the fey folk of his mother's race. At this point he didn't care and had long ago accepted his mix raced qualities and learned to adapt.

None of that helped his current situation...
There had been an uprising of Dragons and he was on the Hunt...!!!

"I don't believe ther are any 'real' Dragons left..." joked the Dark Knight.
"I think they all turned into Lizards and Snakes...!!!" he said with a laugh as he glanced over to the one Dragon traveling with the companions.

The small party walked casually along a path that led deeper into the woodlands of King's Point. Deeper into the shadows embrace and away from the brightness of daylight, a welcome relief from the harsh glare in the clearings. It was Avatar who knew the trails best so he had taken the lead followed closely by his squire and the one Green Dragon. Deciding to don the masque of the Shadows, Nevron had split off from the others and traveled the side paths, knowing that the group would draw fire and that he could add an element of surprise attack to his already powerful arsenal of weapons and wit.

With his Touch of Death activated, his poisons applied and his Phoenix displayed, Delphos was more than ready to go Dragon Hunting!

It wasn't long before the small bamd of hunters came upon their first quarry. Hes was a curious looking fellow with a ring through his nose who didn't resemble a Dragon at all. Avatar's sword made quick work of this so-called Dragon and knowing the Dark Knight's appetite for a fresh kill, he dragged the dead body to the scratching post in the center of the woods for the Anti-paladin to feed upon.

Calling out to his Bro, Avatar laid the corpse across a fallen tree limb.
"Hey Phoser... I brought you a snack!"

"Alright...!!!" replied the Dark Knight with a feral look in his eyes. He proceeded to steal a single life's essence from the deceased Dragon, sending his ashes skyward to be carried on the four winds to Nirvana for yet another mortal incarnation.

"Um... Dragon tasty...!!!" laughed Delphos, as he licked his lips and smiled an evil grin.

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Hunting 101
 Post Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:33 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
The Artusian caravan settled about half a mile on the outskirts of King's Point. The warrior regent hoisted the banner proudly. Today was a good day for hunting he thought. Mertag surveyed the surrounding horizon and noticed the tzar's camp just west of the over-populated shire.

Eniad had been unseen for a couple of hours, newly gained power had to be harnessed properly and meditation was a valuable tool at keeping others around a burgeoning mage safe.

Aria exited the officer tent decked out in her newly fitted scout armor. Hair pulled back in a ponytail, her confident expression emboldened those around her.

Mertag checked on the battle readiness of their younger warriors. A new healer found his way through camp. Sebaki wound through the others with anxious curiosity. He had been a recent refugee and had brought along a couple other souls to the welcoming lands of Artus Pass. Today would be a good day to prove their fealty to the rising sun.

Isis sat perched on a tree limb a few meters away from the others. She watched and waited as did any good sin. Aria personally appointed her to keep watch along the single weak spot in their location. She'd sound the alarm if any of the regent's lackeys attempted to sneak into their camp.

'It'll be a good day for your mother...' spoke a lulling voice beneath her. The young apprentice froze. 'Move and you'll give your position away' she thought. An untraceable chuckle followed.

'Well done. If I were a scout, I might just overlook you.'

'Sutra...' the small voice responded.

'How was the trip out?' the phantom voice asked. Isis merely nooded. 'Good.'

'Today, we will track. Nothing more. Your lessons begin today.'

Isis had been prepared for this day. The rumors of how the dark ones had once been feared throughout the lands haunted her thoughts day and night. She would be one of the chosen to see its rebirth. Sutra would make sure of this. Perhaps one day - she would be one of the shades that would carry the ancient myths to heart and to the minds of the next generation.


The hunting parties had begun. The tzar's personal escort trekked into the woods in hunt of the mystical beings known as the Mystic Dragons. Emperor Dark Tigger was a Green Dragon, through and through. This 'transgression' was understandable.

Artus Pass had been brought into this skirmish on a more personal reason. The shire's sheriff’s daughter had been poisoned and all clues led back to one person. Regent Cynisca. The park had offered her sword to the highest bidder and in turn, the regent turned to lowly methods of forced enlistment. Only she had chosen to double cross the wrong group of rebels.


Isis skillfully followed the signs laid out for other sins to follow. She found herself standing in the company of more dark ones than she knew existed. Her guide stood in the middle surrounded by masked figures as they listened intently.

‘An offer has been made to the…’ The words were laced with ancient majicks. Long-forgotten lore that had been laid to rest many reigns ago. She could see and feel the effect it had on the others around her. Here stood the one who introduced himself as the guildmaster of the kingdom’s most clandestine guild. The Sins. He spoke of things he had seen and experienced. Of fear. Of strength and unity. Of The Guild.

‘Just because one wears a mask...’ he continued. ‘Does not an assassin make.’

The young sins listened with furious excitement. The scheme of things had been set in motion.

Isis watched as the sins quickly dispersed due to the sounds of shouting and chasing. Glancing at her and making eye contact, an unspoken language had begun to develop. She knew to hide. Sutra stood alone in the clearing, relying on the strength of ageless magic and wit to aid him in any emergency. The young apprentice listened as a few warriors and an archer had personally set out to hunt out a few cut-throats who had purportedly been set out to hunt the one known as Sutra.

Sutra had many favors yet unpaid, and loyalties had been forged over the years. Today was a good day to collect on some of those debts.


The hunt had begun as master and apprentice stalked through the woods. His whispers carried a wealth of knowledge. He also knew that he was merely reminding his companion of things she had already known tucked away in her core.

They watched as the king’s men chased this way and that. They nodded in respect as they crossed paths with the black pride, chasing after their own amusements. And their hearts sang as friends and family from Artus Pass proper vigorously hunted the woods for their single target.

Artus Pass had laid out their terms. They would not cross either serpent clans. They would not tempt the prowling felines. They would only hunt the one who wore the regents crown.

In a chance meeting, the hunting sins crossed paths with the Artusian war party. The voice calling to Sutra was familiar. ‘We need you’re help!’ Eniad boomed.

Within seconds, Isis and Sutra stood in the shadows ready to aid the familiar faces.

The park officers were busy discussing plans of attack when a voice interrupted. ‘There she is!’ The group had been taken by surprise. On the outskirts of the forest, walked a lone regent and a single guard. This was their moment, especially after the cowardice of the regent drove her to seek safety among the king’s caravan. Their work had been laid out for them. To catch a regent without involving the king. Sutra’s kind of work.

‘Well then! What are you waiting for!?’ Howled a voice among them. ‘Get her!’ The startled look on the regent was forever engraved in the sins memory. A few moments ago, as the officers debated about what path to take, Sutra noticed the regent notice them. Her frantic eyes darted to the closest escape route. He could almost hear her prayers to what ever gods she prayed to, requesting their assistance in getting out of this one moment alive.

Today, the gods did not listen.

Within moments, she and her sole defender had been overrun. From a distance, Sutra watched as Aria straddled the gasping regent before whispering something in her ear. It was the dagger to the chest that framed the moment with vengeful satisfaction.

The dark shade prepared to make his way back home when Eniad’s voice called out again. ‘On my life, I want her soul. Can you do this for me?’ Sutra, slowly turned to face the overshadowing figure. With a tilt of the head and a grin, he answered.

‘I can indeed. On your life you say?’

Eniad eagerly nooded. The eager mage had made deals with men of flesh and blood. Sutra knew that this pact would entail reaching out to the nether. Calling out to the forgotten ones. The veteran assassin had only heard of this being done almost ten summers ago. And the results were less than agreeable.

Sutra smiled and faded into the woods.

The scheme of things had been set in motion.

[con’t in Shadows Convocation]

The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Hunting 101
 Post Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:08 am 
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Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:40 pm
Posts: 52
The day is fresh and full of blissful sounds as the other Mystic Dragons rumage the forest in peace.Then all of the sudden ,like a sharp point in the underside of an arm , the warning of danger in our Enchanted Forest grows stronger with every passing minute. The forest told us that a large group approaches from the south. We all felt the sensation and begain preparing for what lies ahead. The Forest talks to us through the wind for it is an Enchanted Forest. We have come to call this place home. I order the rest of the Dragons to seek saftey while the Circle of Elders met in the Dragons Den to discuss the impendeing danger approaching. While I ordered my first in command to gather resources and have all available Warriors meet outside the Den for a group session. I traveled to the edge of the Enchanted Forest only to see a vast army of humanoids setting up camp across the meadow from the forest. Clearly this is the work of the Dark One. I see the Dark One walking briskly from tent to tent barking orders like a mad dog. For she has tried and tried to vanquish us from this forest after inviting us to live here. She thought we were mere Dragons that would do her dark biding and treat us like her own personal property. She found out the hard way that we weren’t easily controlled.At first she tried to persway us and at first we were willing to help her out until we saw her true side, a dark cyniscal side and we vowed to protect this land from her evil ways. After several successful victories of thwarting her evil plans the local villagers felt safe once again in their own home town. The villagers had a town meeting when the Dark One was away and decided to grant us homestead in this Enchanted Forest as a show of appreciation for our service to the people of King’s Point. For almost three seasons we have lived in hormony with the villagers and the Enchanted Forest. We have become the protectors of King’s Point. We knew it was only a matter of time before the Dark One started her onslaut once more.

< I remember like it was yesterday when a young messenger approached the Dark One’s home and was invited in. This peaked my curiosity for we have been keeping watch on the Dark One’s activity only recently has she been a nomad. For she spent more time away than she did in her own home. So I took my human form and silently approached the hut of the Dark One and was careful not to get too close and I bared witness to a horrible sight the young messenger was stumbling out from the Dark One’s hut. Then she collasped, I was about to rush to her aid until a figure appeared out from the shadows and took her gentle into his arms and brisked her away quickly. I then decided that I might be seen so I returned to the saftey of my Enchanted Home. >

I then returned to the Circle of Elders and reviled what I witness as I walked to the edge of the forest. It was then I decided to return and walk amunst the humaniods and serch for their true reason for camping here in King’s Point. I changed into my human form once more and walk amunst them in one of their guard uniforms < he swayed a lil too far from his post for a quick drink of his favorite ale> he will be fine when he wakes maybe a massive headace but non the less able to live on. Hahaha As I walked through the camp I noticed that this army was not one single army for they all have split up in their own groups some very disaplined while others enjoyed their drink too much I was intrigued by the different groups of humanoids that were around . As I serched the camps I came across the shadow figure from the night of the messenger . I then approached the indivual and told them of my witness about the messenger stumbling for saftey. I then asked if she was doing well. I was told that she had been poisoned by the Dark One. So I saw an opportunity of an alliance or agreement of sorts to not engage the group. I then met with their Sheriff and explained our arrival and our dedication of saftey to the good people of King’s Point. As I approached I introduced myself and they in turn introduced themselves as well. It was then I relized that we have spoken already through letters. I then offered our favor to the good rulers of Artus Pass. They had accepted our Favor and we formed a truce. They were here for only one indivisual TheKindom Regent known as the Dark One.It was then that I was informed of the Dragon Hunt all organized by the Dark One and my intial suspession was correct. I then return to the Forest to warn the Elders and get my army of Dragon Warriors prepared for the Hunt. At the drop of the first star the hunt began. We decided to defend our forest and protect those we loved and cared for. We only attacked if we were attacked first. The first wave became an all out slaughter on both sides. Bodies were laying side by side Dragons and Humaniods alike. It was then I decided to slit everyone up into small covert teams and we became the hunters on those who would do us harm shall feel the wrath of the Dragonblood!

Captain of "Son's of Iona"
Master Draqoonious Dragon Esquire
Lord of the House of Dragon

 Post subject: Re: Dragon Hunting 101
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:59 am 
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Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2006 3:24 pm
Posts: 405
The day wore on forever...

Waves of heat rose from the moist undergrowth like ocean tides across a distant shore. Mosquitoes swarmed in plumes of living smoke, hovering above the stagnant poolos of brackish water along the dier areas of the river bed that snaked across the trails throughout the woods of King's Point.

The small band of hunters had picked up the scent of their prey and were rapidly closing the distance between themselves and a Dragon...

As they rounded a bend in the path, a shimmer of bright green scales flashed in the sunlight that broke through the forest canopy and caught the attention of the Dark Knight. Bracing himself for what he knew would be a hard fight, he felt a firm hand clutch his shoulder and heard a familiar voice speak calmly in his ear...

"No Delphos..." said Avatar, relaxing his grip slightly, "those are Green Dragons not Mystic Dragons." "We're only hunting Mystic Dragons today Bro, not green ones!"

"Ah Hell... They're all the same to me!" said Delphos with a smirk.

The group of Green Dragons trailed their way down the path, crossing within weapons range of the hunting party. The tension in the air was tangible and seemed to thicken as the two groups moved closer to one another. No longer able to contain his own Cat-born reflexes, the Dark Knight hissed a low curse in his natural language and the Dragons continued their march without response.

The day wore on forever...


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