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 Post subject: A Pirate's Return
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 9:22 pm 
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Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:39 pm
Posts: 244
Location: Arlington,Texas
The Hood returns from lessons learned and wounds long passed. A rebel always at heart this wolf; lover, warrior and dreamer stepped back onto the sands and felt the heat of Emerald Hills brutal summers. Blood bone, ravaged flesh phantom images of her past, she had started to forget on the long months of sea voyage, and trek toward her beloved Kingdom. The fond memories were what she clung to and pulled her onward through the heat. But what awaited her at the outskirts of the kingdom she dared to hope would not be the theme as she continued on her journey.
Jackals gnawed at the decaying flesh of debtors strung from trees as warning for not paying their taxes. Black birds and vultures picked at the eye balls and softer parts. Nature working in it's own dark way to clean up after the livings many affairs. Flashes of the Harpy, an evil woman that darkly ruled the Kingdom behind her merry fool brought the taste of bile to her tongue at the thought. Had another ruler allowed himself to be a puppet in the many schemes of dark devious dukes and preposterously proportioned princes?
Treading onward toward the villages she knew best Morning Wood Glen and Kings Point, she bides her time as always cleverly concealed in the shadows. Quite content to watch, listen and wait for her prey. Nudging the tree or bush, a stone thrown here or there to keep them guessing which direction to turn or which way to proceed, always from the background. She quickly learned that indeed a new ruler was being questioned by the populace, old fairy tales about King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham were frequently referenced. But no Robin Hood would of course appear in these frequently dark times since the ruler of justice had stepped down from the thrown. Taxes were lower and profit was higher when those in service to the kingdom and not themselves were watching out for us.
Could the times change for the Emerald Hills, or would we continue to be lost in darkness forever?
Padding down to the assassins cottage by the river she quickly changed back into her human form and knocked on the grumpy old cats door. "Delphos! Open up it's Fenris we need to talk..." He quickly ushered me in and the details of the past started to unfold. We talked and caught up, commiserated about times of old and we each offered advice to the other as we often did. The visit as always was to brief. But there was a plan I could begin to feel formulating in my mind. I needed the proper documents.
Making her way to the old library and archives she spent most of the day sneezing over dusty books and calculating numbers. As she worked she grinned. "This for sure would be sure genius and indisputable proof! Written only as fact !" she said to herself.
It was all penned out and copies were made. She would reference everything so as to not have it mistaken as anything but true fact. It was nailed and pined, stapled and enchanted everywhere she could think of. Credit was due. Talk and action hugely separate animals in the service to the Kingdom.
Feeling her work done for now, she returned to her shadows to await the populace's response and if compromise would be met, her tail swishing happily behind her.

“All in all, it comes down to us as a society to embrace and encourage the values we wish to see demonstrated within our club.” - Kurse

"One People, One Planet"

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