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 Post subject: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:23 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Kenta looked up from the paperwork on his desk as the office door opened.

"ah, welcome gentlemen. I have a mission for you"

the twins looked at each other fearfully, whenever Kenta said he had a mission for one of the Crimson Guard, he was really asking for the impossible and just trying to be polite.

"I want you to bring in Sir Nevron, Sir Delphos, Sir Trinity, or Sutra for questioning, arrest them if you have to....any one of them will do."

The twin brothers had no choice....this was a direct order from the Captian of the Guard

"yes sir"

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:21 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Kenta surveyed the grounds of the Temple at MWG. All seemed to be secure. He had received disturbing rumors that a band of malcontents were planning to attack the temple and burn it to the ground.

Arcie came bounding up the path, quickly followed by Sirs Nevron, Trinity and Delphos.

"Ahh just the gentlemen I needed to see"

Delphos quickly nocked an arrow and drew a bead on Kenta's heart.

"What's this about a warrant?" he growled

"I merely wanted to impress upon you the urgency of speaking with you. As a memeber of the Church, I cannot be seen in your company....lets face it you three are considered the most "evil" men in the Kingdom. And as such, I would like to hire you out for a job.....a long standing type thing. Who better to judge guilt or innocents? I would think that evil would know its own kind. I had also hoped to enlist the Shadow Guild for a project"

"No" Delphos replied "I won't sell out my Guild or my principles, especially for the likes of you"

"Very well, I understand."
Once more, Kenta sat at his desk doing paperwork.
"Well, doing this without the Guild will make this more difficult....however nothing worth doing is ever easy"
By order of Her Royal Highness Dame Faunna Demonspawn II,
and His Emminence Cardinal Gabriel the Pious. It is an era of
peace and prosperity in the Kingdom of the Emerald Hills. In
order to ensure this sense of well being. It is hereby announced
that all persons who speak seditious or impious words are to be
brought to the Crimson Guard for questioning. Upon delivery to
the Guard, the sum of thirty silver coins shall be paid to the
citizen who delivers these malcontents.

Kenta looked over the wording....everything seemed to be in order. Now for the seals, forged copies so perfect that few would be able to tell the difference.

"Scribe, see that this is distributed throughout the Kingdom. Make sure all Bards and Heralds have a copy"

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:02 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:38 pm
Posts: 148
"give me that you dolt" Ice growed at the timid herald. "blah blah ,,,,,hmmm reward huh? blah blah.. " Ice read thru the proclomation and the tripe about a reward.
The herald shifted his eyes to the coin purse on the Royal Guards belt, hoping for a coin to send him on his way. But Ice shot him a cold start that his nephews would understand.
"keep your eyes downcast boy, or I shall remove one to remind you of your place. NOW GET!!!!"
The boy jumped and ran for his life.
"all the correct seals and marks, " Ice said to himself as he studied the parchment, " but my lil brother cant help but leave his mark where only I would see it plainly. What are you up to kenta? What are you starting this time? And do I have to ask permission to kill someone ? "
Ice jumped onto his horse and rode for the Glen..
"nothing is ever easy............" he thought as he raced for MourningWood.


If at first you dont succeed, Dick Stab the guy that does,,,,

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:06 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:38 pm
Posts: 148
"the One True Cross, the Arc of Covenant , and the Spear of Destiny? ALL FARKING THREE OF THEM !!!" Ice yelled at Kodi...."Whos bright flamming idea was that ?"
"dunno uncle, just that all would be in the glen with in weeks. And that group of Converts is still causing trouble with anyone who travels the glen. They say that they do the Will of Gabriel, but attack anyone that doesnt convert to the Church. "
"Send word to Kenta that I will try to get to the Glen on SaturnDay. And tell anyone willing to help that one of the THREE will be at the Glen, Ill need help to keep them safe and secure if His Holiness wants them . Dam ,, nothing is ever easy ...."
"Kenta said to tell you he will repair your flatblade too....."
"about dam time.....go nephew,, and be safe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"


If at first you dont succeed, Dick Stab the guy that does,,,,

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:50 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:38 pm
Posts: 148
Racing thru the woods and taking paths little traveled, Ice sped to the glen. The One True Cross was going to be there. And probably thieves willing to take it for the single ressurect. Thieves would take anything just to have it. A single rez for the single time the man-jesus had returned, and two if he came again. Too bad it was so heavy to carry. But more often than not, thieves traveled in groups.
A thick mist was forming in the underbrush as Ice made haste to reach the mother Glen. His dark fur and walnut brown eyes flashing thru the trees as his Wolf form was faster than human. His nose caught the scent of oils as the trap sprang around him. Bright lite and an explosion of sound all around him made the wolf fly from his course and land as human on the cold floor. Panic rose up and he rolled to the side , reaching for his sword. Instead he was holding a screwdriver .
"what the F.."
" you have been summoned to work. It is mandatory. You will install phone lines . "
All around him other men stood dumbfounded , holding hand sets and tools, all shuddered to the booming voice .
"WHO ARE YOU??" Tice shouted,,,,,

" A T & T , The Death Star of your real work slave,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

"real life? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"


If at first you dont succeed, Dick Stab the guy that does,,,,

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 6:49 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Kenta studied the thing from all angles. A simple wooden post, dried blood stained in several places, one large hole near the top, and another about mid way up.

"So, the One True Cross comes to the temple at MourningWood much trouble over so simple an object. Not like its even that powerful, one resurrection...the Kingdom's Orb of Healing does more than that. Still fanatics will fixate on anything I guess. Hmmmm, wonder how much I could get selling fake versions of the Man Jesus's underwear....ha ha ha"

Kenta let his mind had been an unusally fierce fight getting the relic to the Glenn. Mauraders had attacked several times, once even attacking the temple gates themselves. The newer members of the Church had defended this hunk of wood with their very lives.

"The surrounding villages have been converted" the missionary said to Kenta without preamble. "there were some pockets of resistance, but they soon fell to the will of God"
"Zealots" thought Kenta "tell a paladin or a just man to raze a village, and they balk....tell them "its the Will of God" and they fall all over themselves to do it"
"Very Good....I will tell His Emminence of the good job your Order is doing" The Missonaries were a sect similar to the Templars and Hospitallers of the ancient Holy Wars. They believed that all should follow the Will of God.
"funny" thought Kenta "how the Will of God, seems to be what I tell them to do"

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:07 am 

Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:46 am
Posts: 20
Crumbling up the "proclamation" Gare turned around and stared at the guard bound and gagged to a tree. It hadnt been easy tracking the path of the relic but he had accomplished it.

"Now I am only going to ask this once, where were you taking it?" Removing the gag the guard whimpered when Gare placed his sword to his throat. "We were charged to bring the cross to Mourningwood Glen" replied the guard. "Why take such a relic to the Glen?" silence was his only reply.
Placing the tip of his sword upon the guards codpiece Gare slowly applies pressure until he starts speaking, or should i say squealing the information out. "We were taking it there to the Church, assembling it with the other holy artifacts!"

Gare turned and strode back to where he had discarded the "proclamation." Upon a closer inspection with all his Tracking skills, he could discern a few flaws in the seals, "Hmm, a fake."

"What are you playing at Kenta?" he asked to himself. Spinning quickly he throws a dagger that imbeds itself an inch from the guards head, who attempts to scream but faints instead. Retrieving the dagger and cutting the guards bonds Gare turns and starts heading south.

"Perhaps it is time to head back to the Glen, perhaps it is time to head 'Home'"

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:31 pm 
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Posts: 405
A Tiger Goes Hunting

A hot moist wind blew across his shoulder. Beads of sweat rained down his face doing little to cool him off as the blazing eye of Sol seemed to bring its full might upon him. He preferred the lower temperatures of darkness or at the very least shade and a breeze that wasn’t out of hell itself. But the season would not stop this master assassin from finding his quarry on this particular afternoon.

There weren’t a great number of reasons that Delphos would leave the comforts of his manner house during the high season of Sol, but a warrant issued for his arrest would certainly qualify as strong persuasion. Thus he found himself taking that journey to the lands of Morningwood Glen, where he would find the Sheriff and settle this personally.

His route would be an old one, unused for many seasons and long unwatched. The road took him through the ruins of ancient Hawks Haven, across the expanse of rolling hills dotted by small outcroppings of trees and bordering the great forest called Morningwood.

Cursing the open fields, the adept assassin made his way to a point where he could just hear the ring of swords clashing in the practice arena. As he sat within a circle of small trees, Delphos prayed to the Great Cat Mother and asked her to watch over him as he confronted his target in such a vulnerable setting. With his energy centered and his determination solid, he broke cover and quickly ran across the open grassland to the grand pavilions where a group of revelers had gathered to celebrate the day of birth for one of their many offspring. Not being a true part of the realm, these people paid no attention to the well armed figure in a mask darting from behind one pillar to the next.

Notching an arrow, Delphos fixed his attention upon the Sheriff himself, who had walked to the edge of the practice area and sat upon one of the benches there. He seemed to be engaged in conversation with two figures sitting directly between the assassin and his target.

So far his approach had gone unnoticed by anyone in the vicinity. His skills seemed to be serving him well, he thought. Then at once he saw a young woman look straight at him. She stood up and began to quickly walk in his direction. Delphos immediately recognized her and as she came within clear view he placed his finger upon his lips indicating for her to be silent. Arcie Midnight, as she was known, spoke not a word and waited for the assassin’s next move.

With only a few yards separating him from his target, the master assassin once again broke cover and quickly sprinted to within close range of his bow. His target now in his sights, he looked to his left to see the faces of who Sheriff Kenta was talking to. Surprised to see his own Captain sitting comfortably in his chair with the Not-Commander at his side.

Taking a full draw on his bow, Delphos aimed straight at Kenta’s heart and spoke in a loud clear voice…

“What’s all this about a warrant for my arrest?”

 Post subject: Re: Something's afoot
 Post Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:37 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
Kenta finished counting the silver pieces into the two bags. "Thank you citizen for your service" he said handing them over to the farmer in front of him. Kenta smiled a crooked grin, he could see the devious anti-paladin hidden under the grime and mud
"Thank you M'lord, I was only doing my duty"
"Have those two confessed yet Sargent?"
"as of a few minutes ago"
"good, take them to the gibbets and have them hung....reward them with a quick death" Kenta smiled, this would work perfectly into his new plan.
the sun shone down on the execution. Staring into the sun the poor innocent farmer could hear the proclimation of his supposed "crimes and guilt"
"these men have confessed to treason and sedition against the Crown and the Church. The penalty is death....due to their confession we will take mercy on them and assure a quick and painless end"
the floor to the gibbets dropped out and the twin pops of the convicted men's necks was loud in the noontime air.
"during their confession these men told of a caravan bearing stolen goods moving in the woods just west of this village. These goods have been stolen from local temples and must be returned to the chuch. Most importantly is a large crate to be returned to the Temple of the All-God at MWG."

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

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