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 Post subject: The Farmers Wife [MS RP]
 Post Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:15 pm 
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The small blue pearls glinted in the blinding sunlight. She blinked again. He stared dumbfounded, too young to know what to call the emotion that coursed through his fresh veins. He would later learn to call it love.

His dark hair splayed across his nose causing him to instinctively flick it away. Every blink meant one less moment of her.

She giggled again as they chased the fluttering butterflies in the waist high grass. A gentle breeze stirred the eternal green fields, waving like fairytale oceans.

Stopping in mid-stride she gazed up to the cloud laden heavens and posed innocently. "So in ten years where will you be Efraz...?" Her voice was as sweet as the chirping song of the overhead blue birds.

"Married to you, in our own little cottage. Over there, on that hilltop." The small boy pointed to a distant mouline, a satisfied smile creeping over his sun kissed face.

"Don't be silly. We won't be married! How can a princess like me marry a shepards son?" asked the carpernters daughter.

Her certainty shook him more than her words.

Her playful gaze reminded him of the hours of chasing, fishing, and studying by her side yet to come.

The radiant smile subtly caused momentary satisfaction deep inside. A moments release from the childish pain he hadn't realized taking root.

With a flick of her golden straw mane, she was feet in front of him again at a full sprint.

One day, he would be quick enough to catch her.


One'll see...

The dark shadow huddled at the foot of a great tree in the dark depths of the encroaching swamplands. Midnight Sun once had a balance of light and darkness. It was the jaded gray that took hold of the minds of men and earth alike, that had begun the process of unbridled consumption.

The search party was drawing nearer. The occasional shouts of the kidnapped woman echoed through the mosquito clouds and sticky precipitation.

A hulking shade strode past the silent shadow as it was observed. The old ursa glided in and out of the murky waters. It's mahogany shaded fur had become matted with mud and rain.

He had spoken with this elder and was assured that the great bears of the south had endeavored along with the elves to protect the great forests of the realms.

Sutra had this chieftains word. That was enough for him for the time being.

Word had reached the fortified walls of the small town of the disappearance of a farmers wife a couple days back. Reports of a great spider had begun to circulate. And stranger still were the rumors of dark and powerful shades that had been sighted on the borderlands.

Slowly, the young mage began to recite the words he had recently read off the weathered parchment. Before his eyes, the air around his palm began to coalesce into liquid hot matter. Within seconds, he held a levitating ball of fiery blues and yellowish reds. It's wonder held his gaze for a moment before a gruff voice interrupted his imposed mediation.

"Well then, will you sit there and let the fight pass you by...or will you join the party of men in finding the girl?" asked the old voice. The bear had stopped for a moment to sniff the air while asking the skulking figure over it's shoulder.

Sutra chuckled and replied with a silent stride past the creatures left side, taking the lead.

He would indeed help them find the missing girl. Perhaps he'd find himself an orc or goblin in the process.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:54 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:06 am
Posts: 31
that was awesome

 Post Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:05 pm 
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Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 1:39 pm
Posts: 244
Location: Arlington,Texas
Her golden mane swirled softly in the water of the river midnight as she took a long drink. Her left hoof stamping the ground lightly before holding her head up at the slight spark of sound. Her white coat and sparkling single horn catching rays of moonlight as she stood frozen.

It was a women with a high pitched voice, the crack of fright intruding her throat as she spoke. "No please... stop don't take me."

The Unicorn lowered her head and teleported within a few instances from her place in the shadows and moonlight by the river. To a tall thicket just behind the women and her kidnapper. Her nostrils flared quickly as she listened and watched.

Before her stood a giant spider and dangling from one of it's massive furry legs was a women wrapped in a cocoon of webbing. Swaying dangerously back and forth the spider nestled into what appeared to be his lair right on the banks of the far most side of the river.

But what startled the Unicorn so was at that moment as close as she was to seeing this simple farmers wife, she identified something in her, that may save an entire Kingdom. Unicorns can see into people, there bright shining colors and luminosity. And with that a glimpse into one's soul.

At that moment the Unicorn knew she had to signal the people of the town into action, in the morning she would go.

The Next Day...

She spoke to the people of the town, giving arguments to both good and evil sides in hopes of the girls rescue. Traveling into the woods ahead of the parties she hid a treasure just within there own gates. And in a place that none of them would look, right under there noses. Men loved there gold and power, if they do not do things for just the good of the act. She would ensure that the girl was saved.

The day wore on and the Unicorn could see the struggle for the people of the land to even get to the girl through the dense woods let alone be able to work together to save her from the spiders fangs. She traveled in an instant yet again to retrieve a relic that would help the adventurer's. The Sword of the Wilderness. With this relic she knew they could accomplish the task and save the girl.

Approaching one of the parties, the ones of evil intent, mercenaries for hire in this instance really. She tried to reason with Sir Trinity but only came out of the encounter with a dagger in the belly. But alas her task was accomplished and the former King gained the sword after her passing.

Rising to fight another day, the Unicorn was quite pleased to see the women returned. And whispering in her ear upon entering her presence she told the women that she must impart the secret to the treasure the Unicorn had hidden away.

The evil side coming out of the encounter way ahead on the destruction of monsters. And the good heading straight for the girl and her large kidnapper. Both sides working together to accomplish a task yet not know they are really helping one another in the end. And the treasure was able to be shared by all.

But for the future she would keep her eyes on that farmers wife and hope to see other glimmers of special light shining in other people of her home. Beacons of change in the future.

“All in all, it comes down to us as a society to embrace and encourage the values we wish to see demonstrated within our club.” - Kurse

"One People, One Planet"

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