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 Post subject: Sanctuary
 Post Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:07 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Sutra had left the safe harbor of his most recent home, Midnight Sun. He marched towards the royal grounds, the castle, to find shelter from the coming storm.

He had left everything he had known to defend the crown of the lands.

He thought they would understand. Apparently his code of ethics, honour and morals were not the same as the ways of those he called brothers.

He was certain even they youngest among the guild would be misled, persuaded to believe he was wrong for wanting to save the queen any further suffering.

He remembered the screams, pleas for mercy. It was too much for him to bear. He had to take the risk of returning her to the safety and watchful eye of her most trusted guardian, Champion Everlast and Prince Regent Sir Forest.

And it all came crumbling down. His own good spirit had betrayed him. Sutra gripped at his left breast wishing he could rip his tale tells heart out.

"...Damn you Santos..." he angrily muttered.

The queen was possibly never in captivity at all. It would explain the lax patrol that fateful day of the ambush. As he thought it out, it began to make more sense. They had prepared for such a thing.

Sutra shook his head in respectful reverence for Sir Forest, recognizing the man's ability to be tricky.


Sutra strode through the great cities market place, passing by yelling street merchants as they bellowed out great discounts on their wares. He passed beggars and gambles hiding by the veneer of the beautiful courts and paved roads.

It took him almost 15 minutes to reach the palace gates before being stopped by a heavily armed guard.

'Aye, papers.' demanded the burly guard. His smooth face betrayed his overly eager eyes.

Sutra produced his kingdom papers. The look on the mans face was worth the trip alone.

'Now...before you go on making a scene...' Sutra calmly stated, '...I need an audience with Champion Everlast. Regent Forest is better.' Sutra waited.

The guard had already signaled, before long, having his men surround a seemingly harmless vagrant. 'Yeah...right. Let's go have a talk with the Champion shall we?' Sutra was surprised and relieved at the same time at the apparent ease of being able to walk up and not be killed on sight.


'So what exactly is it you want me to believe your purpose is Sutra?' the mountain of a man asked from behind the massive desk.

'Well...' Sutra stepped forward, the distinct sound of hands gripping on weapons and clanging of armor echoed in the hall as the posted guards prepared for any sort of roguish majicks. "...I have intel as to where the Baron Chaos is heading to next. I have communiqué between him and pertinent sources in the Guild. I have what Sir Forest's spies have died to secure."

Sutra cleared his mind as he produced a green apple from his coat pocket. He could sense just how twitchy the youngest of guards had become.

He waited as Champion Everlast contemplated the dark ones declarations. Sutra squinted recognizing familiar faces; of those he had fought along side to help protect the queen. He sutra nodded. The guards cautiously nodded back.

'Fine.' Everlast signed a parchment with the assassin’s terms and conditions, sealing it and handing it to the captain. ' Make sure this get's to Sir Forest. I will await his orders on the matters.'

'In the mean time, Sutra, you get to experience one of our luxurious palace cells. Granted the prince even requiring your services....' The champion coolly stated, examining for any sign of fear.

'Actually, I was hoping I could wait in the courtyard. The suns out and I'd hate missing watching the pretty courtesans milling about. I think you can agree...?'


Sutra leaned on the granite bench under a tremendous pecan tree. Every beautiful woman in town seemed to pass by either too busy to notice the man who seemingly sat out of place or were indulging in talks of petty things of good matchings and beauty tips.

He waited as he sent a young boy to fetch him a mango or two, noticing his personal guards, standing no less than 20 ft away, grew anxious; probably angry they had the duty of watching a hapless man in a courtyard in the middle of the day.

Sutra only winked and made gestures to the young guards, getting them to notice a particular girl here and there.

He laughed to notice that young men weren’t as tightly wound as their superiors.

He could only wait.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Sanctuary
 Post Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 10:22 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Morgan sat in his Royal chamber awaiting the Queen's safe return when his personal messenger entered.

"Sir, the assassin Sutra is here. He claims to have news for Sir Forest."

"Well, Sir Forest will be back soon, he can wait until then."

"But Sir, there is a message for you from Sir Forest. he says to make haste for The Barony of Midnight Sun. He will meet you there...and to bring a personal guard."

Morgan did not like the implication of such a message. "Where is Sutra?"

"In the courtyard. Champion Everlast has guards there watching him."

"Everlast, but he....he did right. I will speak to Everlast and then we will go, tell my guard to make ready."

With that Morgan went to the Champions official office. Everlast sat behind the desk reading various paperwork.

"Champion Everlast, I have news about the assassin that came here today." Morgan said as he approached.

"What news?" Everlast questioned, pushing the papers quickly into the desk.

Morgan rounded the desk and leaned close to Everlast's ear "He will live out this day, while you will not."

With that Morgan stabbed Everlast in the back with the dagger he had hidden in his cloak. Everalst sreamed and lurched from the chair, the other guards quickly drew their swords and advanced on the Prime Minister.

"Wait! Morgan shouted. Look at your Champion now." he cried.

Suddenly there was a flash, and the figure that had been Everlast disolved into ash and smoke.

"It was a doppleganger. I have known for some time that Everlast and Forest had secertly departed to track the Queen. Someone took advantage of that secret and planted a spy." Morgan informed them as he pulled out the paperwork the golum had been reading.

"Royal tax reports? A list of guardsmen? And what's this?" he asked pulling forth a partially used piece of parchment.

The parchment contained the signature of both the Queen and regent written multiple times. Almost as if someone were practicing the writting.

"We ride to Midnight Sun, and quickly. Sutra rides with us, unbound and with his weapons returned. We must rely on faith at this point."

With that they ran through the courtyard, and one of the guards threw Sutras weapons to him as they headed to the stables.

"Come with us, we will talk on the way. but we ride swiftly." Morgan shouted.

Sutra puzzled at the situation for only a moment before running to take the horse offered him. It would be an interesting ride...

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: Sanctuary
 Post Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:31 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Sutra anxiously paced around the main fountain he had become well acquainted with in the past hour. Luckily the sky was overcast, the recent sun had sent the temperature soaring and the will to live plummeting among many of the peasant workers among the lands.

He sat again on the granite bench enjoying the occasional spray of water, reminding him of his coastal hometown.

A guardsman quickly sprinted up to him, blocking the visage of a group of nubile young women who played in an opposite fountain. He was beginning to like the exotic brunne with copper flesh.

'Dammit boy, you're about as tactful as a drunk monk at Sunday Mass!'

The young guard slung familiar weapons Sutra had recently allowed the men to safeguard.

'Sutra, you ride with Sir Morgan to Midnight Sun.' He said as he pointed to the stables.

Sutra could make out the familiar man who was mounted on an impressive steed. Though he had seen him a few times before, he could understand why he had been elected as the kingdoms Prime Minister.

Regal was an understatement.

"Come with us, we will talk on the way. but we ride swiftly." Morgan shouted.

Walking passed the playful nymphs, doused in cool water, Sutra nodded in appreciation for the warm hospitality.

'Ladies...' he nodded. The image of their smiling faces would last him the trip home.

Exiting the courtyard the guardsman and the brooding Sutra saluted the prime minister.

Nimbly sliding unto the saddle, the newly deemed traitor stated.

'Once we get within 5 miles of the Barony, I will make my own way into town...I'd hate to attract too much...attention to you Sir.'

Spurring the borrowed horse Sutra made way to the Barony, with the royal escort in tow.

Images on angry masked faces were eagerly suppressed. He was prepared to prove his worth, even if it meant his death.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Sanctuary
 Post Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 9:42 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
It was not feasible to ride from eagleshire to Midnight Sun without resting. not if one wanted to be in any shape to fight what may lie ahead. So even though he desperatly wanted to press on, Forest had agreed with Everlast to make camp for the night. The two companions sat at the fire, their grim faces shown in the flickering light.

"I hate being out of touch like this. We need more information." Forest snarled as he threw down his empty bowl.

"We will have some soon." Everlast replied, smiling for the first time that night.

"How?" Forest questioned. "We are in the middle of nowhere. We have no messengers to send, and no one but the Royal Court knew we had gone off on this journey."

"Do not think you were the only one who sent a message back to the Kingdom. Before Sir Morgan's messenger left, I placed with him official orders bearing my mark. If he reached the castle when expected, then a dozen trained scouts have been gathering information for 2 days now and will be meeting with us by sunset tomorrow with information." Everlast stated calmly, finishing his dinner.

Forest began to smile "You are truly amazing my friend. I was in such a ruch to get to Midnight Sun, I never thought to send word back for riders."

"You think highly of the Queen, and you have taken her safe return as a personal quest. That may have clouded your planning. But I am here for that. I have led armies as well as fought in them. I know the importance of gathering information, even from 'dark sources' when it is needed. My Knight taught me that."

Forest felt a bit more at ease. He still was unsure of the Queen's safety, but at least he had the comfort of knowing that by tomorrow, he may have a better idea of what was going on in the Kingdom around him. With that, he fell quickly asleep as Everlast stood to take up the watch.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post subject: Re: Sanctuary
 Post Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:43 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
"Damn it! Aim smaller you dolt!"
"If you want dinner, then maybe you should be the one with the..."

The two mercs stood tall waiting for a follow up to the sound of snapping twigs.

Raspy breathing seems to echo around them both...


"What the hell was tha..."
"Shhh! Dinner may be coming to us, and you'll have us starve with your broken lungs!?"

Elric rubbed the back of his head, the throbbing was annoying, but subdues by the sheer anger he felt for his companion, Mateus. A blade to his back would be nice.


A shadow disrupts the monotonous forest line.

Both men spring to their weapons, unsheathing angry blades waiting for the worst. The figure solidifies, a feminine walk betrays the cloaked figure.

The decrepit men eye each other anxiously, thoughts running wild through their minds.

She comes into full view in the full moon light. A black corset hugs her shape, a cloak hiding her face, sanguine lips shimmer in the pale light.

"Well, well, well..." Elric mutters as he traces around to the left, behind the figure "Looks like we got ourselves something better than din din, won't you say...Mateus?"

"Aye, now let's see that pretty little face of yours child..." Mateus' hand extends to grip the velvet fabric, a slight tremble reminds him of the 'good ol' days.

The sounds of thudding flesh on earth is familiar to the men. A wriggling hand with splayed fingers lays on the forest floor.

The scream would have raised the dead. Only Mateus was not able to produce anything more than a terrified grunt. The taste of metal assaulted his hard palette. It was merciful until she twisted the blade lose. That's when he experience pain.

Eyes as wide as the full moon above, Elric's grip tightened and loosened as the last thing he could feel was the warm spatter of blood drenched his filthy vest. His hands struggled to keep in the hot blood spewing from his throat, only he failed. Miserably.

She stood among the littered campsite. It was a good fire they made. Would stay lit for a few more hours. Good, she thought to herself.

'We need to talk...'


Sutra shifted in his half awakened meditation.

He could feel her. She walked among them and he could sense her closer than ever. His heart leapt at the realization that she had come. Had she come to find him?

He left Sir Morgan's campsite, heading towards the whisper that beckoned to him.

It had been three years since she last came. Since he was last overtaken by a lost god. Three years since his original betrayal.


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

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