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 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 9:06 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
I want to calrify something. I am not advocating for the Kingdom to stop using TWF. If that were the case, I would have proposed removing it from the Corpora. The RGK and TWF are 2 seperate issues.

It is true I was against the RGK from day 1. And over the years they have shown an inability to function as a unified group to advance the progress of TWF.

Certain individuals (Three juggs, Sutra, Skullband, Shamus, etc.) have put in time and effort individually to get people out to work on the land, build the fence, clean the site etc. I encourage people to help at the land and improve it. But that is not dependent on the RGK. If it were, then nothing would have been done over the past few years. But things HAVE been done. And they have been done because of those driven individuals and not because of the RGK.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:02 pm 
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I will try to explain this AGAIN since you and Delphos seem to keep not understanding. Brennon, who was Monarch, talked to the PM about removing your belt. The 2 of them agreed to it. He wanted opinions from the CoK before he did it. He then decided not to pull it. It was not a CoK vote. It was not initiated by the GMK. Had it been required to go through the process I am proposing, it would not have gotten as far as it did. It was not a witch hunt, it was Brennon and Carmony making a decision.

Just for the record... Carmony did NOT support removing anyone's Knight belt. This was very briefly discussed at one point during my term as EHPM. It never even came to the table as a decision we had to make. Though my position allowed me to have this authority in conjunction with the Monarch, I personally did not feel it was my place to make a decision such as that--regardless whose belt was being discussed. If it was to come to making a decision to pull someone's belt during my time in office, I would have had to say no.

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:14 pm 
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In answer to your question Carmony I believe it is an up or down vote on the entire rewrite.

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
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 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:52 pm 
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Any votes that are sent to me will be handled in an honest manner. To think that I would do otherwise ? You've just got to be kidding me. The members of EH will vote how they feel on the corpora revision. All I do is count and post the results PERIOD.
Same goes for election voting ballots. I trust the park PM's to report all voting results EXACTLY as they were voted upon.... I trust the PM's of our parks.

So far I have 10 votes ...TEN VOTES!! So once again a handful of members will decide this Althing. Hopefully more will be in by 11:59PM on Tues the 29th.

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:12 am 

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Aria wrote:
Umm Forest I believe you need to check the terms of TWF lease. Amtgard has no rights to sublet the land in any shape or form with out land owners permission. Well I think Threejugs post says you won't have land owners permission

Ummm Aria, I believe you need to check the lease. There is no mention of land grants or RGK anywhere in that document. So basically you are saying that none of the land grant documents are valid the instant Threejugs says so and that it is ok that she hold those land grants hostage at any point there is something being done in the Kingdom (Corpora changes, elections... whatever) that she doesn't like.

That doesn't sound like something Threejugs would do, and it really doesn't sound like something that you would normally advocate.

Under that Land Grant Rules...
1. C. All Matters concerning Land Grants shall be administered by the RGK.

Who has been approving these land grants in the absence of the RGK during the last two years? If we've been functioning just fine without an RGK for two plus years now (which we have since nobody seems to notice their absence), then what will change when we take them out of the Corpora?


 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:31 am 
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Have there been any new land grants awarded in the last two years?

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:51 am 

Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:41 am
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Yes there have been land grants granted in the last two years.

And I, Three Jugs have all of the Land Grant information that has been gathered since I have been the keeper of the land (for the last 6 years).

Yes, RGK has done work in the last 6 years. And yes the RGK has done work in the last two years.

Any more questions?

Samantha Three Jugs
(aka: Susan Hall, the crazy lady that lives at Tanglewood Forest)

P.S. ~ Don't piss off a lady that has a knife and rifle target in her backyard.

Rendezvous'rs are just kids with really BIG playgrounds....and black powder toys that go BOOM!

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:19 am 

Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:41 am
Posts: 98
This is what I have been informed from McFadden: The LAND GRANTS were a product of the RGK to A) allow the people a private place to camp and B) give them an incentive to help out with the work needed at the land. The RGK gives out the land grants only after they are approved by the land owner. If the RGK is dissolved, so will the land hours and land grants.

Sorry folks. He's fed up with all the crap, so he's left me to take charge of all this as land owner.

The problem is that people think that the RGK has to meet every month to report this and that. Nobody has the time or patience to do that every single month. And I don't know about you but I don't have the gas to drive to Dallas for that crap. We don't have to meet every month or every week just to show that we're doing something. We do things every month that nobody ever notices until it ISN'T done. For instance, we mow the parking lot, battle field and campsites before events, we clean up campsites and clean out fire pits, we cut firewood, clear brush out of trails, make new camp sites, replace light bulbs and repair whatever is in need of repair. Not to mention burn what trash can be burned in order to keep the trash removal fee at a minimum. These are things that EVERYONE OF YOU TAKE FOR GRANTED and never notice until they are NOT done. Oh, and did I mention that I picked up trash twice a day for four days and put it back into trash bags after WBW while waiting for the trash service to pick up the trash because there was too much for the trash trailer? Did anyone care about that? NO Because no one knows what all we do for the land!

Now, just because we haven't done any MAJOR RGK work events doesn't mean we haven't been active. Actually we were hoping to work on the roads this last summer but it just stayed too damn hot and we weren't able to get it done.

There's alot of talk about how the RGK hasn't done this and how the RGK hasn't done that.
All I have to say is actions talk and bullshit walks. And so far all I've seen is a bunch of people spouting bull and not offering to help with a darn thing. We've had RGK work weekends planned all this last summer and NO ONE SHOWED UP BUT MYSELF, SHAMUS, SUTRA AND ONE OTHER PERSON.

You want to see have some major work done by the RGK? Then do what I tell everyone else to do...JOIN THE RGK! Give us you IDEAS AND MANPOWER and let's get things DONE! If you're NOT gonna put YOUR MUSCLE INTO IT THEN SHUT YOUR MOUTH ABOUT WHAT WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN DONE!

Samantha Three Jugs
(aka: Susan Hall, the crazy lady that lives at Tanglewood Forest)

P.S. ~ Don't piss off a lady that has a knife and rifle target in her backyard.

Rendezvous'rs are just kids with really BIG playgrounds....and black powder toys that go BOOM!

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:06 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
First, I will repeat what I keep saying. You along with other individuals have done a lot to try and promote work on the land. The RGK has not. Look at the list of who is on the RGK. There is one seat that isn't even filled currently. Historically, 1 or more seats have to be filled by appointment because no one runs.

The RGK has not been a functioning body for quite some time. So instead of holding onto somethign that doesn't work, it is time to change it. The Kingdom can, and will, still have land work weekends.

The issue now is, why would the landowners strip away land grants from people who want to come work, just because we changed the corpora? It seems like you are saying you will punish the players of the kingdom who have done the work because you don't like the way things might change.

There is no reason land grants have to go away. There is no reason to stop giving people an incentive to work on the land. IF this corpora passes, it simply means that the land owner and the Kingdom will continue to function as we do now. Motivated players (Sutra, Shamus, Skullband, etc.) will promote projects for improvements and work with the landowner (Three Jugs) to make sure they are on the same page and that the people who work on the land maintain the benefit of the land grants. Not sure why this is a big issue.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:06 pm 
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Threejugs, have you or McFadden signed each one of the land grant documents for all of the current awarded parcels?

"A mind needs books as a sword needs a wetstone, if it is to keep it's edge.”
Tyrion Lannister

I do not suffer fools gladly, and fools with white belts never.

Mortem proditoribus.

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:33 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:41 am
Posts: 98
Yes, I have signed the land grant documents. I have also personally helped the households and/or companies find their new campsites.

If the RGK goes away there is little or no incentive for work weekends. Without the RGK to help increase the drive for work weekends. I'm screwed. Cut the RGK & people will consider all the plans that are made as one sided because there will only be one or two people deciding the plans for Tanglewood (which will probably McFadden and myself). Then it's like pulling teeth to get anything passed thru the kingdom bullshit paperwork to get them to understand that we need it so we can have THEIR approval so we can then have more bullshit to get financing to even START to PLAN a weekend work party. Do you want it to be THAT HARD to get work scheduled here at the land?

Samantha Three Jugs
(aka: Susan Hall, the crazy lady that lives at Tanglewood Forest)

P.S. ~ Don't piss off a lady that has a knife and rifle target in her backyard.

Rendezvous'rs are just kids with really BIG playgrounds....and black powder toys that go BOOM!

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:01 pm 
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There seems to be a bit of a mixed message here…
If the RGK is unimportant, then why worry about its existence…?
Why have it disbanded simply because You don’t see it as “functioning”?

It plainly functions, you’ve been given enough examples to prove that fact.
Despite others being actively in the ‘spotlight’ when it comes to who gets credit for what, or who brings the most people in for a project, who does the day to day or event to event upkeep is just as important.

If “nothing will change” then why the push to remove the RGK?
I’m reading that you don’t advocate not using the land for events…
yet your record says otherwise…
How many “Tri-kingdom” out-of-kingdom events have you sponsored vs. Local B-Day Bashes…? How about the “suggestion” during a particular WBW to be moved to an alternate site, which I’m pretty sure you didn’t argue against… or did you actually support that move?

You say that you’ve been against the RGK from the beginning.
At least that much is true…
But let’s see what else may sway this vote across the kingdom.

The Green Dragons do have some land on Company Rd. with, as you said, no contract and, as I can tell, no development… not to mention that most GDs go to motels or bring campers (of late). So, consequently, they have little vested interest in who camps where.

Who else holds land…?
Well, there’s Sable Pride, The Corsairs, House Luna Lobos, House HQ (can’t spell the long form), the Saracens and maybe a couple more…
Anyone else from the northern parks…???
I don’t know… maybe someone out there does?

From what I’ve seen over the past few years, there’s a southern group that puts events together at the Mexia site and there’s a northern group that puts together events at the Boggy Depot site. And then there’s a group in the middle that puts events together at TWF. Who do you think will be more effected by this change?

The North? The South? The Middle? No one? Everyone?

“Nothing will change.”
Yeah, right…

That’s like calling this thread…”Althing Submissions” .
I submitted two addendums for the Althing and was soundly ignored.

Just sayin’


 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:11 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Three Jugs, I don't think you will see any change in people helpping at the land. Unless you do pull away the land grants. That may prevent a good portion of people from helpping, but the people who have been most instrumental in pushing for work on the land are not currently on the RGK (aside from yourself).

Delphos, Mexia was used 1 time for the trikingdom MR. And November Park Battles uses a site in Atoka because it is designed to promote the OK parks and TX parks to get together and maybe it's just me, but asking the OK parks to drive 6+ hours for an event that showcases a north vs south battle is a bit lopsided.

Yep, you caught me, I was against the RGK from day 1. And over time they have failed to function. So why have an internal group that does nothing and for which people often don't run to fill the seats? Yes, you are right, I would rather do away with a group that doesn't funtion and replace it with a system that works than leave it in place cause it has been there a long time.

I think if this corpora revision passes that we will see that same people workig hard to improve the land. i think that the players in general will support work at the land because they will have to know what is going on. What I don't understand is how pulling land grants will make people want to work more on the land.

Susan, I'd love to talk to you. I've sent you multiple messages asking you to call. I'd still like to talk if you are willing.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:18 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:41 am
Posts: 98
I'd love to talk to you Forest, but with the way things are going for me right now physically it's probably best that we converse online. Because of the seizures and pain meds that I refuse to take (unless I have places be or things to get done outside) I will sometimes start crying suddenly once a seizure hits. It freaks out alot of people so I don't talk on the phone much.

Samantha Three Jugs
(aka: Susan Hall, the crazy lady that lives at Tanglewood Forest)

P.S. ~ Don't piss off a lady that has a knife and rifle target in her backyard.

Rendezvous'rs are just kids with really BIG playgrounds....and black powder toys that go BOOM!

 Post subject: Re: Althing Submissions
 Post Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:21 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
In talking with Three Juggs, land grants will continue regardless of the outcome of the Corpora voting.

And RGK or not, I hope people will keep putting in efforts to make the land better.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

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