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 Post Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:48 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:44 pm
Posts: 32
Attack on mourning wood Glen!!!
(Skip to bottom of document for rules listed)
Scouts have reported seeing “strange gates with hellish beings pouring out of them burning and destroying all in their path” An assault is Expected on the nearby Outpost where the future Baron Virgil is currently resting in his travels, the army is expected to arrive sometime around June 19, 2010. Virgil has requested more solders to aid in the defense of the outpost, and has this to say about the defense of the outpost.
“I have thoroughly examined the outpost and have found it to be a very easily defendable location as long as the right amounts of soldiers are here. There is an inner sanctum with only one door; this is going to be our base, so to speak. The great hall will be serving as a makeshift armory, with two rather large doors. The courtyard is extremely large and the fountain has been blessed by a traveling priest and has been known to have healing properties. Of course you can’t forget the two archer towers, being about fifty feet high, we will be able to see them coming and hit them from quite a distance, the only downfall is that they will not be able to hit anything within twenty feet of said archer towers and the only way up is a single latter on each of them, I don’t think anyone is getting down once they get in. The gates, our first line of defense, this large wooden gate opens with two large doors, it does however look rather easily destroyed, I’m not going to lie the gates are more than likely going to come down. Even though this outpost is wooden I don’t think Fire is going to be much of a problem, because of the coating that the entire outpost has on it. This battle will more than likely change the way my term as Baron is going to happen.”

Rules for the castle siege:
Defender’s goals- survive with as much of the outpost intact as possible
Attacker’s goals- slaughter everyone inside and raze the outpost to the ground
Monster stats:
Hellish Trooper
Type: Extra-Planar Mystical Animation
Q/M Ratio: 3/1
Armor: 2 natural/invulnerable (ie stoneskin) , any shield
Weapons: Any melee weapons, suggested changing weapons per "life" (simulates an army and promotes demon's love of chaos)
Immunities: Disease,Death,Poison, flame
Natural Lives: 10
Abilities & Traits
• Fear (M) (1/life)

Ingis (demon commander)

Type: Extra-Planar Mystical Animation
Q/M Ratio: 5/1
Armor: 3 natural/invulnerable armor, healed by fire spells
Weapons: Single Dagger, short, spear (Natural)
Immunities: Death, Disease, Poison, Subdual, Fire
Natural Lives: 3
Abilities & Traits
* Fireball as natrual weapon (ie only 3 incant to cast and not included in spell list)
• Incorporeal (T)
* may use wizard magic as per monster level.

• Aversion (Holy Ground and Paladins) Will defend itself against attacks
from Paladins but will not initiate combat against one.
The Doors:
Destroyed by:
• 3 Sphere’s of annihilation
• 5 Fireballs
• 7 Lighting bolts
• Each door has 9 Hp.

Battlegame is going to start at around 2pm All are encouraged and welcome to join

"He may be out of his mind But some day you will find
That sanity's left us all blind And dragged us all behind"

"I cannot quench your thirst
Because even if you yearn for the truth, you refuse to believe in it.
I cannot quench your thirst
Because no such truth exists that you are in anticipation for.
But I still want to quench your thirst.
Because I am the one the that put you into the desert."
-Frederica Bernkastel

 Post Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:54 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 05, 2006 5:35 pm
Posts: 639
kewl....a themed battle game.

"Passion overrules Reason" wizard's rule #3 of the Terry Goodkind series "Sword of truth"

 Post Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 9:29 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
I would suggest the commanders be imune to control instead of subdual. Just a thought.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

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