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 Post subject: Caravan of Shadows
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:49 pm 
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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:42 pm
Posts: 1772
Caravan of Shadows

Sutra stopped to breath for a while. He had realized how useful a steed would be the past few days. He was circumventing his home barony, a little to the west. He realized it better to avoid traveling through Midnight Sun. He was sure to get suckered into some sort of petty argument.

The half moon sat patiently in the midnight sky. A lone campfire shimmered in the distance. There he found the young scout Thangorn fast asleep. His bow and sword by his side. Sutra sat calmly on the log as he picked through the young man's rations.

A green apple lured him to eat. He nodded off for a moment.

he saw himself stand on the edge of a river.
the air did not blow. the sky sat still.
he wadded into the water chest deep.
the current which was dead drew speed.
the clouds raced in the sky.
the wind whipped his hair into his face.
he realized the water turning black.
the darkness ebbing away from his body.
black as pitch.
thunderous strikes in the distance jolted him to wake.

Sutra quietly set a trap at the entrance of the young mans site, to be on the safe side. He wanted to see the young one alive and well when he returned to the barony. He had much to discuss.


The forest was quiet; the air was stifling, almost clinging to his lungs. It was hot, maybe 100 stones hot, hotter perhaps.

The royal caravan trudged through the dry path. Sutra inched forward aware of the crown on the head of a lithe woman. She sat surrounded by seemingly powerful guards. She appeared to be the...

'Your Majesty Von Doom!' a scout breathlessly spoke. She looked up; gray eyes glinted with calculated precision. 'The scouts have reported two contingent forces, all from the northern most keep!' He seemed out of breath.

'And what of the Baron?' she coolly asked.

'Aye, he leads them south. Less than half a mile away. We also have reports of the lands natives preparing for war. We have spoken to a messenger, they say they require tribute for passing through their lands or suffer their chieftains wrath.'

She had heard rumors about the nomadic peoples who lay between her palace and the barbarian’s homelands. The aggressive warlike peoples of the SitckitoJa had known these forests and plains for as long as the lands have been united under the one true banner.

'We will offer them a handsome fee if they agree to fight for us. Nothing more, or they risk high treason against their sovereign crown.'

The sounds of war cries could be heard almost a hundred feet ahead. The ambush was on. Enthralled in the speculation of bloodshed, the peoples of the Finders Keep fought with a new found vengeance. On a rolling hill not too far from the ambushing war party stood a mountain of a man covered in bits and pieces of crude armor. His red mane flowed in the hot breeze. His piercing eyes demanded respect. With a mouth wide enough to eat an entire army he bellowed out!

'Charge! The treasure is mine!' His faithful subjects paid no heed to his insatiable lust for power and blood.

Sutra leapt from his hidden perch, knocking arrow after arrow, legging countless aggressors. His arrows found the sides and chests of many. The barbarian baron was surrounded by his most trusted as one after another Sutra's arrows were repelled by an amazon that was terrifying to behold. He was glad he had meet worthwhile opponents on the field this day.

As quickly as Sutra fired shoot after calculated shoot, the royal alarm was sounded and some of the best the kingdom had to offer quickly drew arms and returned the fervor the sea of angry faces had displayed.

A leg here, a chest there, three times missing, Sutra rushed around in the melee, sometimes standing on the fray, at other times chasing after the thieving masses back to their camp. Sutra would surely make his forefathers proud today.

The natives appeared like coiled lighting. They struck at both sides without prejudice. Sutra suffered mortal wounds by them but was quickly revived by royal healers, hands and tunics bloodied by their previous works.

The chieftain alone was capable of pushing either side out and away from his range. Many thought themselves safe, others found themselves gazing upon a feathered arrow protruding from their chest or arm. Sutra had heard of the chieftain, Sparring with Hawks, and respected his prowess with the bow. Sutra made a mental note to avoid this terror with all tangible might.

It was the shade of cold death that reminded him of something deeply familiar. The barbarian had managed to buy the help of the dark ones. Of The Guild. Sutra fired arrow upon arrow at the masked ones, but hitting on mark was harder to commit to. Sutra fell to a knee, his spirit concerned, knowing something powerful approached him, within striking distance. The darkest shadow slipped by him, to his right. Two burning orbs, furnaces of hell itself seemed to peer at him. Sutra knew the possessor of the dark and heard his own name whispered...'Suuuttraaaa...'

Sutra stood to regain his composure and realized he had to fight harder if the royal caravan was to make it safe to the palace.

The battle raged on seemingly for days. It was less than an hour but hundreds had been slain. As both forces neared exhaustion, Sutra aimed and let loose an arrow at a tribal foe who had earlier wounded him. The shot glanced of the mans weapon as he kept walking, revealing an aura of power. A shaman no less Sutra realized. The village holy man walked by as Sutra feigned interest. Almost instinctively Sutra focused all his energy into the bow and let loose one last shoot.

It hit true, under the shamans left ribs. He looked back almost in disbelief before lurching forward upon the ground, dead.

It was too late; Sutra heard the footsteps too late. He turned only to see a glimpse the overpowering stature of a dark knight, an Anti-Paladin. His searing white eyes squinted as he laid down his bloodied blades multiple times across Sutra's chest. Sir Trinity. Not Again.

Falling to his knees, Sutra could feel his life quickly depart. A smile was the last thing he could feel himself do as a smart arrow struck the dark knight of legend. Sutra knew his friend Tolken had made things right.



As the healers completed their chants, Sutra coughed up a handful of blood, the bandages tightly woven around his upper body. He was breathing again. Never liked coming back this way.

The caravan had been severely looted and damaged. Those who could gather damage and casualty tallies did.

Before Sutra could sit up and unroll his bandages, the frantic cry rang out through the main lines.

'The Queen! The Queen is gone!'


The general who advances without seeking fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do service for his sovereign, is the jewel of his kingdom. -Sun Wu

 Post subject: Re: Caravan of Shadows
 Post Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:15 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Forest clutched the note as the caravan continued south. What foolishness! He read over it again, still amazed by the brazen declaration at the bottom.

Signed "The Guild".

Was the Assassin's guild now at open war with the Kingdom? No, that was ludicrous. In all these years if the assassin's guld felt it needed, the created a contract and "disposed" of unworthy leaders. Yet, they had not done so with Queen Reine. In fact, they were prospering as much as any under her rule. Their numbers (from the showing at the ambush) had grown and there was far more money in the Kingdom coffers than before to be paid out when they were "needed" by the monarchy.

This left only one answer in Forest's mind, there was a fracture in the guild. Some upstart must be trying to make his mark. Why else would he openly flaunt the involvement of such a secret society in a letter claiming responsibility for the Queen's abduction. What leverage did they have over Sir Delphos to make him openly attack the crown he claimed so loyally to serve.

There had to be answers. Answer's that forest intended to gather beofre they reached the Barony of Midnight Sun. He left instructions with Champion Everlast, and then gathering a few loyal guards, slipped away quietly in the night. He knew the dark paths, and where they could lead him. he never enjoyed his vistits in the black corners of the kingdom, but when times became desperate, he knew the ends would justify the means.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

 Post subject: Re: Caravan of Shadows
 Post Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:17 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:37 pm
Posts: 50
Queen Reine awoke from a horrible dream. As she turned over to get comfortable again she realized her dream was true......for she was not in her castle, her caravan was gone, and she was alone locked up in a small candle light room with a small plate of food.

She could hear a group of men arguing, only partial information & voices, but there was one voice word that kept repeating assassinate, assassinate, assassinate. "Where am I?" she thought as she backed her self in a corner like a animal ready to attack whoever opened the door. She would not go down without a fight.

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