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 Post subject: The arrival
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:13 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:34 pm
Posts: 131
Location: Red Storm, Dreadmoor, EH
Somewhere near the Red River

The portal shimmered in the air like the reflection of the sun on a pond. This pond, though, seemed to have a film of putrescence over it, warping the normally lively light into something less wholesome. The plant life unlucky enough to grow in this light had become twisted into a dark reflection of it's former nature. A pine, once tall and strait now was crooked, it's needles more dripping dark venom instead of sap.

Bodies lay scattered before the portal, their decomposition hurried by the unnatural light. Most were only bones though they had been lying there less than one turning of the moon. The bones seemed to form a carpet before the portal.

The surface began to bow outward as the color of the light changed subtly. The light took on a more bluish cast, as if it were shining through thick ice. A figure began to form from the bowing, and a titanic figure it was. The "water" seemed to ripple as the figure detached, it's massive foot coming down on the bones. It's stepped forward, making way for more figures, if not so massive as the first figure, then only so by comparison.

Soon, the vale was full of these massive figures. Along with them had come a killing frost. The twisted pine had been trampled, it's venom frozen before it could infect even one wound. The skies began to cloud over as the cold wind blew outward. Soon, it began to snow.

<Spread out, my Jotun> The first figure boomed to it's comrades. <Seek out the places where the people here dwell. Offer them the chance to serve us as they should. If they refuse, crush them.>

The round of cheers sounded like thunder, and was mistaken for such by those few who heard it's echos far way. The cheers seemed to promise more crushing than the offer to serve, but that it how it was suppose to be. Too many "little ones" usually became a problem. Only enough to work the land and supply their masters with what they wished would be spared.

The giants broke up into groups and headed out of the vale, each heading toward specific areas that they had been told held great riches. The leader, though, waited for a few moments. A smaller group had followed his warriors through the portal and they now stood in the shadow's cast by light from the portal.

<Don't interfere with my jotun, Svartalf!> He said to the group huddled in the darkness. <If you do, you will be smashed with the others.>

Oh, we wouldn't dream of it, great Jotur. Came the reply from one of the shadows. We have our own plans which should not interfere with your smashing.

Lord Malran Singollo
Duke of Dreadmoor
Patriarch, House Singollo
Lettusio-Rex, Dreadmoor Fey Jackalope
Member of the House of H.O.P.S.

 Post subject: Re: The arrival
 Post Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:45 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:47 pm
Posts: 62
Location: Red Storm, EH
Slight rumbling came from the south as noon came and passed. Not really paying any attention to it seeing as there was always some meaningless snow falling from treetops to the ground during this blizzard, Nichiro decided to go and find some snow hairs for a stone stew being made later that day.

After a few hours of the continuous rumbling from far away he realized something was coming towards the caravan. Not entirely sure of what it could be he grabbed the hairs and began his short trip back to the caravan.

Thinking about it for a while really got his thought into this and he decided it would be better if he hurried the walk into a run in case the Demon's started earlier than expected. Into a rage he went as his mind wondered on about them.

By the time he got to the caravan his mind had wondered aimlessly into a bloody hole full of rage that was never there before. He ran to the wagon he had been using and grabbed his sword and shield and went running to the southern side of the caravan where all the fighters where standing. Udories, Ghost Tiger, the Batty one, Sidoth, and a few others nodded at his presence in the line.

From atop the hill across the creek, a mighty giant appeared. Slowly it raised up from the horizon and continued. A second one rose just to the left of the first. They both stood nearly 18 feet tall and resembled the sight of the Norse Vikings, when they were showered...because of the whiteness of their hair. A deep voice sounded from apparently the giants, <Join and serve our master. Or Live not to tell the tail of your defile.>

A few people squirmed in their boots, a few others gripped their weapons a slight bit tighter, one man nearly dropped his sword he claimed it was because nobody woke him earlier.

(ooc: ok I'm apparently the first to repost to this topic so bear with me cause this is the first time posting as a barbarian.)


The voice in Nichiro's head states, 'What are you rambling about??' Yet nothing is heard cause the rage filling his thoughts. 'Great he doesn't hear me. Just don't get killed... oh wait he doesn't hear me.'

Nichiro begins a quick raging scream and lets out the most gawd awful noise that dropped a bird from it's ear drums bursting. The scream encouraged the small group of fighters standing with him. With a second scream came the words, "ATTACK AND LIFE TO FIGHT A DAY FEW MORE!"

The group ran into the creek and out the other side to meet the giants head on. (ooc: really don't want to go through this fight. POWER TIME!!!!)

Near the end of the day the Frost giants lay just on the other side of the creek. Trees lay toppled over and axes are beginning to chop the wood up for the next fire. The men lay exhausted in the snow allowing the aches and bruises to be chilled from the soft cold snow which melted around them from the heat they generated and began to freeze to them.

Nichiro walked around the giants poking them with the tip of his sword to make sure they had died. This was his first time ever really seeing anything this cold and hopefully it would be his last. He found a nice spot of beard hair stretched out from under the giant and he sat down on it to keep the cold out of his pants.

The voice askes, 'Can you hear me now??'



~Tread softly when passing a sleeping dragon, for ye are tasty when fried and dipped in chocolate.~

Kyto Nichiro "Cheeto" is the name.
Enjoy fighting all day a living the ache the next day.
He who talks to a ring.

 Post subject: Re: The arrival
 Post Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:14 am 
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:34 pm
Posts: 131
Location: Red Storm, Dreadmoor, EH
The attack on Dragonstorm, Written from the perspective of the giants

We strode across the snow covered hills, confident that I was the biggest, baddest thing around. This part of the country seemed to be made up of widely scattered villages amid wild forest and plains. Most of these folks were farmers. Farmers don't have gold. I was having a bad day. I picked up a large stone and casually cast it at a nearby oak, shattering the bole. I felt a little better.

On top of the insult of having to subdue these poor northerners, we had been saddled with a youngling, barely into his beard and on his first raid, and one of the little ones to "scout for us", according to the Thane. I didn't so much care what happened to the little one, but if the youngling fell because of youthful overconfidence, I would have to pay weregeld to it's father. With the slim pickings I'd encountered so far, that might prove difficult.

The little one came scampering over the low hills from the direction of what looked like a caravan camp. He motioned for us to stop and for me to bend down, so I did.

There's a caravan encampment ahead. I don't think any of their scouts have seen us, as amazing at that might sound. The Svartalf all but oozed superiority. I was tempted to smash him where he stood to show him who was superior but I had orders to work with this little thing.

<I know. I can see it.> I replied causing the little thing to begin gesturing wildly. <What?> I boomed, offended to this thing would wave it's tiny arms at me in such a way.

Quiet! It said. They will hear you and we will lose the element of suprise!

I laughed, causing a sizable amount of snow to fall from one of the trees nearby. I saw the youngling lauging as well. <Suprise?> I said. <The Jotun don't need to suprise them. When they see us coming, they will most likely throw down their arms and beg for our mercy.>

I stepped over the svartalf, almost stepping on it, but it was quick enough to get out from under my boot. <Oops.> I said. <We giants have a reputation of being a bit clumsy.> The look in the svartalf's eyes was enough to raise my spirits as well as give my fellows a bit of a chuckle at the little being's expense. I saw the fire of anticipation in the youngling's eyes and gave him a broad smile. <Let us demonstrate.>

We strode upon the final hill to see a puny line of defenders arrayed to meet us. Before, we had encountered crude catapults, stakes and pits intended to slow us down, these pitiful few had none of that, only a tiny stream to protect their encampment.

<Bow down before us and swear to serve our thane and you will be spared. Defy us, and only your copses will testify to your folly!> There, that should be clear enough. One of them replied, saying something about service an emerald king, in it's squeaky little voice, before uttering a string of seeming gibberish. It was obvious that this one was on the edge of madness. Then they did something utterly stupid. They charged across the tiny stream toward us. I sent out two of my solders to meet them, thinking that this would be enough. I then sent others of my party to destroy certain strategic buildings in the camp, most particularly the blacksmith, if they had one.

Amazingly, my two giants were cut down by these little creatures. My fellows actually laughed, thinking that the reason for their defeat was that they were truly weak and their deaths were their own fault. I ordered a general advance, the youngling at my side, grinning at his first taste of combat.

We summoned the powers of the north wind, our mother, and began hurling bolts of cold to freeze the tiny ones in their tracks. I was more than a little surprised to find that this had no effect on most of them, who came on in a flurry of swords and spears. I found myself facing the little one with a spear who had uttered gibberish before. He stabbed at my knee, but his simple blade was too dull to cut though the tough hide of my breeches. I contemptuously smashed aside his shield, splintering it.

Then the unthinkable happened. I felt a sharp pain in my right leg and, as a stepped forward, it would not support my weight. I fell to my knees. I smashed another shield from the hands of an armored warrior even as he drove his sword into my side.

<NOOOO!> I roared. I fell to the ground, my lifeblood pumping from my side, freezing a nearby tree. The last thing I saw was the image of the youngling cleaving the blacksmith's anvil with his sword before a trio of blades transfixed him. At least I didn't have to worry about paying weregeld anymore.

Lord Malran Singollo
Duke of Dreadmoor
Patriarch, House Singollo
Lettusio-Rex, Dreadmoor Fey Jackalope
Member of the House of H.O.P.S.

 Post subject: Re: The arrival
 Post Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:00 pm 
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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:34 pm
Posts: 131
Location: Red Storm, Dreadmoor, EH
Malran sat at his desk, reviewing the reports of damages that had been collected from across Five Dragons. As regent, it was his responsibility to bring the artisans together to rebuild and replace what had been destroyed during the attack of the vampires less than a moon past. The infernal snowstorm had done even worse damage to the crops of the shire and almost destroyed his lone connection to his heritage. The precious copper vines of the Miru-yava. The vines had not yet reached the age where they would produce the grape-like fruit used for faewine and they were usually hardy enough to last a cold winter, but they had never been buried under more than 20 inches of snow before. Many members of the shire had spend hours digging them out over the past two weeks. Worse, the rumbles of thunder heralded another storm on the horizon.

There was an urgent knock on his door, bringing him out of his reverie. "Enter." he said, prompting Karasu to enter. He had not seen his friend for a while as he had been pulling night watch through the cold nights of late. He rose with a a smile on his face only to stop short at karasu's serious look. "Giants." He said with urgency. "Giants come over the hills from the direction of Dragon Storm!"

Malran grabbed for his ancestral saber and bow, only recalling that he had left them with Sir Forest after their defense of Artus Pass last month. He shook his head, on again, at his carelessness with the items. No matter that he had been all but delirious with blood loss after the fight. He grabbed the sword that he had been using in it's stead and followed karasu from the house.

Outside, the snow still lay almost ankle deep even though several days of warm weather and sun had worked their magic on the stuff. That same sunlight glinted with a vengance from the remaining snow, making Malran's eyes water as he stepped into the open, following Karasu to the low wall surrounding the compound. As they mounted the "battlement" They joined King Alby, home from court for a short rest before returning to celebrate the selection of a new dragonmaster and weaponmaster. His eyes were riveted on something in the distance from which the sound of thunder erupted though the sky was as blue as a robin egg.

The Giants had just cleared a low hill to the north-east, seeming to follow the road that lead to the encampment at Dragon storm. King Alby had happened upon a raid by the same type of giants against that shihre the day before. He had brought word back to Five Dragons but it was hoped that only one raid had been sent their way. That hope was crushed by the first hobnail boot that strode over that hill.

Karasu wasted no time organizing the defense. Zero Crane, the chancellor, advised him on the disposition of our troops, letting him know that many of our people were still dealing with damage across the shire. "So, we stand with only a few against those creatures." He said.

The scant defense we had was put together, it wasn't much be we were not fresh faced novices facing their first goblin attack. We were veterans of hundreds of battles and had faced and defeated deadly enemies ranging from dragons to the lich king Salm himself. These giants were walking to their own funeral pyres by attacking our great shire.

We made our stand along a line of trees to the north of the main shire. The giants came toward us but their numbers seemed less than we expected. Alby had counted no less than six of the beings as they crested the far hill but only three charged our lines. We dispatched them quickly, though we took our lumps as well.

"This doesn't make any sense." I said as I searched the bodies for any information that might give us information about why they were coming. That's when we heard the thunder again. This time, it came from the west. From the direction of the fields and vinyards. "NO!" I yelled and took off at a dead run toward the sounds.

We came at the giants as they destroyed our granary, spilling our winter supply of grain across the snowy ground. They had thundered through the small orchard that we maintained, splintering the apple and pear trees as they went. They had also stomped across my precious vinyard, grinding the precious copper vines into the mud. Gryndll launched a lightning bolt into the lead giant's face as he brought down his sword onto our grinding wheel. Alby ran another through before he could get to the smokehouse and Karasu, Zero and myself dispatched the last. Then, we took stock of what was left. We gazed in despair at the destruction that had come so soon after the undead and the snow. This winter was truly going to be one of the worst in recorded history.

Lord Malran Singollo
Duke of Dreadmoor
Patriarch, House Singollo
Lettusio-Rex, Dreadmoor Fey Jackalope
Member of the House of H.O.P.S.

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