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 Post subject: The Queen's Return
 Post Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:03 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:37 pm
Posts: 50
As Queen Reine was escorted by the Royal Guard into her castle after returning from a celebration in the Golden Plains area she noticed there were too many troops patrolling and it was eeriely quiet. "I know my troops went to the North to encounter that Barbarian, but there are way to many still here for a powerful force to have left. " she thought.

Reine went to her desk to see what news there was and a piece of sealed parchment lay at her desk. She opened it and read........

Queen Reine,

There has been a hightened alert since the Barbarian Chaos has taken over the outpost near Tanglewood. We thought to keep the inner Kingdom safe we would leave a large force here and take a small force with us to Finder's Keep. Hopefully we shall return shortly with good news.

Prince Regent Forest Evergreen

Just then a messenger escorted by the guard entered her chamber. The messenger said that the news from the North was that small EH force had been beaten back and that Rage still had control on the Keep and Chaos had been forced into the caves. Uggghhhh, nonsense she though. When the Prince Regent returns we start making plans.

 Post subject: Re: The Queen's Return
 Post Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:04 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:56 pm
Posts: 1928
Forest and his guard had travelled 2 days north at a steady pace, scouting as they went. No more ambushes! Finally, they arrived at Finder's Keep. The rumors were true. Rage and the assassins had taken over while chaos had been at the Midreign celebration.

It was at MR that Sutra had beheaded the barbarian, and only by the grace of a loyal healer was he alive today. But the encounter had taught him nothing as far as forest could tell. he stil lsought toa ttack the Royal Caravan for any money he could find. He truely was mad with greed.

They had not expected much resistance since the keep was in turmoil, so most of the guard had stayed behind in case there was an assault on the Kingdom while they were away. They had greatly underestimated their opponents. As they crested the hill to see the keep, arrows began flying at them. The Keep was ready for a seige and was not going to wait for the assault to get close.

As the Royal Army closed the distance, there was a new assault from the caves nearby. Chaos and his few remaining followers spewed forth and attacked from the side. They were quickly beaten back, but only after some damage was done. Quickly Forest clasped his powerful artifact in hand and began to raise his fallen commrads. He would not give in so easily.

Four hours the Royal forces searched the caves while beating back forward assault units from the Keep. Each time forest relied again on the power of the Relic to bring back his armies. Each time the power of the Relic faded slightly.

Finally, Chaos and his forces were routed and they fled to the woods. Now the time came to assault the Keep itself. Tarkas rushed the doors in a berzerk fury breaking through them before the Keep's forces could slash him down. Again, Forest relied on the waning power of the Relic to bring back his fallen friend.

Tarkas had blood in his eyes, in his, mouth, and in his sight. He was frenzied and ready to kill. Forest prepared for the assault. With his magic, he teleported the berzerker into the Keep. Cries wen up and the forces inside wen int oa panic. As they did, Sir brennon led the charge into the doors and began to hack and slash though the defenses inside. It looked as if the small band from the Kingdom could win the day. Again, they had miscalculated.

A tree, thrown by 3 enraged barbarians crushed Sir Brennon, leaving him lying dead amongst a ring of fallen foes. Most of both forces lay dead or wounded inside, but the Guild had too many reserves. Forest turned to stun a nearby enemy, and all went black.

When the breath again filled his lungs, Forest was outside the Keep. Sir Rath, Paladin of the Kingdom, had managed to fight in and retrieve the bodies of his fallen allies. But the Keep still belonged to the Guild. Forest used his own power to raise the remaining force, but halted them as they prepared to advance.

"The day is lost. We underestimated our foes. We need to return to the kingdom and re-group. Only one time today could we breach the Keep's gate, and even then we could match the sheer numbers inside." he announced. "Let the Guild at chaos battle as they will. We will return to ask the will of the Queen. If she wants the Keep, then we will bring a larger force."

With that, he had the standard beared raise a flag of defeat. Cheers rang out from the Keep and the Royal army turned and rode slowly home.

Forest knew the spirit of those at the Keep was strong. He admired them for that. Now if only he could discover what drove them to hate the Kingdom, perhaps he could save the lands without any more fighting. And how powerful the kingdom could be if they could fix the rift....only time would tell.

Forest Evergreen

Puppet Master of the EH

"Of course you are Forest. You're like the Mr. Burns of EH." - Finn

(insert titles and awards here)

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