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Reigns XXXVI/XXXVII  Calendar

Last updated: 4 April 2006
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Kellrick at Spring War 2002. For more pics click here.
Last updated: 4 January 2006, 12:30 p.m.
January 2006
 8  Sunday  Crown Visit  Finder's Keep
 14  Saturday  Crown Visit  Shire of the West
 15  Sunday  Crown Visit  Campus Supernus
 21  Saturday  EH Althing  Midnight Sun (voting at all parks)
 22  Sunday  Crown Visit  Mourningwood Glen
 28  Saturday  Crown Visit  Tanglewood Park
 29  Sunday  Crown Visit and Dollar Tourney #1  Eagleshire
February 2006
 10-12  Fri-Sun  Winter War  Kingdom of Rising Winds
 11  Saturday  Dollar Tourney #2  Midnight Sun
 18  Saturday  EH Weaponmaster  Midnight Sun
 19  Sunday  EH Weaponmaster  Mourningwood Glen
 24  Friday
 24-26  Fri-Sun  NeverWinter Coronation  Kingdom of NeverWinter
March 2006
 3-5  Fri-Sun  EH Birthday Bash/Relic Quest  Tanglewood Forest
 11  Sat  Dragonmaster  TBA
 11  Sat  PM/RGK Elections  All parks
 12  Sun  PM/RGK Elections  All parks
 15-19  Thu-Sun  Spring War  Giddings, TX
 25  Sat  Crown Visit and Dollar Tourney #3  Tanglewood Park
April 2006
 2  Sun  Crown Visit and Dollar Tourney #4  Mourningwood Glen
 7-9  Fri-Sun  Tri-Kingdom Midreign (EH, CK, WL)  Giddings, TX
 23-24  Sat-Sun  RGK Work Weekend  Tanglewood Forest
 24  Sun  Crown Visit  Eagleshire
May 2006
 6  Sat  Crown Quals  Tanglewood Park
 7  Sun  Crown Quals  Finder's Keep
 9  Tue  RGK Meeting  TBA
 13  Sat  Crown Elections  All parks
 14  Sun  Crown Elections  All parks
 14  Sun  Crown Visit and Dollar Tourney #5  Campus Supernus
 20-21  Sat-Sun  RGK Work Weekend  Tanglewood Forest
June 2006
 2-4  Fri-Sun  Wetlands Coronation  Kingdom of the Wetlands
 15-18  Thu-Sun  Rakis  Iron Mountains
 23-25  Fri-Sun  EH Coronation XXXVII  Tanglewood Forest
July 2006
 8  Sat  BOD Meeting  TBA
 9  Sun  Crown Visit / Roving Battlegame  Eagleshire
 19-23  Wed-Sun  Gathering of the Clans  Kingdom of Burning Lands
 29  Sat  Crown Visit (tentative)  Mourningwood Glen
August 2006
 5  Sat  Crown Visit / Relic Tourney  Tanglewood Park
 6  Sun  Crown Visit  Finder's Keep
 12  Sat  Crown Visit / Roving Battlegame  Midnight Sun
 17-20  Thu-Sun  Piratical Sabbatical  Giddings, TX
 26-27  Sat-Sun  Golden Plains Coronation (tentative)  TBA
September 2006
 1-3  Fri-Sun  EH MIDREIGN  Tanglewood Forest
 9  Sat  Althing  Midnight Sun
 10  Sun  Crown Visit / Roving Battlegame  Finder's Keep
 15-17  Fri-Sun  CK Midreign  Giddings, TX
 24  Sun  Crown Visit  Eagleshire
October 2006
 8  Sun  Crown Visit / Roving Battlegame  Eagleshire
 12-15  Thu-Sun  World Banner Wars VII  Tanglewood Forest
 22  Sun  Crown Visit  Finder's Keep
 28  Sat  MONSTER BASH / Crown Visit  Midnight Sun
November 2006
 3-5  Fri-Sun  CK Coronation  Giddings, TX
 12  Sun  Crown Visit / Roving Battlegame  Eagleshire
 18  Sat  EH Crown Quals / Althing  Midnight Sun
 19  Sun  EH Crown Quals / Althing  Finder's Keep
December 2006
 1-3  Fri-Sun  WL Coronation  TBA
 2-3  Sat-Sun  Crown Elections  All Parks
 15-17  Fri-Sun  EH Coronation  Tanglewood Forest

Events are planned by office holders that (typically) hold 6 month terms.  That's why calendars tend to not show many events beyond June and December.
